Variable Structure Robust Flight Control System for the F-14

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems





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In this paper, a flight control law for a simplified F-14 aircraft model is designed based on variable structure control(VSC) theory. For m-input, q-output linear uncertain systems (q < m),a VSC law is derived. For the derivation of the control law, a choice of a sliding surface is made so that the zero dynamics of the system are stable. The linear lateral and longitudinal dynamics of the F-14 are decoupled. This allows design of lateral and longitudinal flight controllers separately. An application of variable structure system (VSS) theory to control of lateral dynamics is presented. A control law is derived for the control of roll angle, lateral velocity, and yaw rate. The chosen sliding surface for the controller design is a linear function of the tracking error, its derivative, and the integral of the tracking error. Simulation results are presented to show that in the closed-loop system, precise bank angle trajectory tracking and regulation of lateral velocity and yaw rate can be accomplished in spite of aerodynamic parameter uncertainty.


Flight control; Sliding mode control; Stability of airplanes


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