A Star-based I/O-bounded network for Massively-parallel Systems
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IEE Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques
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The paper describes a new interconnection network for massively parallel systems, referred to as star-connected cycles (SCC). The SCC graph presents an I/O-bounded structure that results in several advantages over variable degree graphs like the star and the hypercube. The description of the SCC graph includes issues such as labelling of nodes, degree, diameter and symmetry. The paper also presents an optimal routeing algorithm for the SCC and efficient broadcasting algorithms with O(n) running time, with n being the dimensionality of the graph. A comparison with the cube-connected cycles (CCC) and other interconnection networks is included, indicating that, for even n, an n-SCC and a CCC of similar sizes have about the same diameter. In addition, it is shown that one-port broadcasting in an n-SCC graph can be accomplished with a running time better than or equal to that required by an n-star containing (n-1) times fewer nodes
Computer network resources; Fault-tolerant computing; Hypercube networks (Computer networks); Parallel algorithms; Routing (Computer network management)
Computer and Systems Architecture | Computer Engineering | Digital Circuits | Digital Communications and Networking | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Systems and Communications
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Repository Citation
Latifi, S.,
Azevedo, M. M.,
Bagherzadeh, N.
A Star-based I/O-bounded network for Massively-parallel Systems.
IEE Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques, 142