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Conference Proceeding
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IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
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The merging process in an automated highway system (AHS) is divided into a speed adjustment stage and a lane merging stage. Three important parameters, namely acceptability, availability and pursuability, are analyzed to characterize the AHS lane gap features for the ideal, smooth and safe merging of the ramp vehicles. Three control guidance laws, namely linear, optimal and parabolic speed profiles, are developed to describe the desired behaviors of the merging vehicle based on the merging quality and safety. The desired states of the merging vehicle are generated through the outer loop by specified control guidance law. The tracking errors compared with desired states are eliminated by the proper design of controllers in the inner loop. Both longitudinal and lateral controllers are designed using sliding mode control theory that can handle the nonlinear and model uncertainties of the vehicle dynamics. The simulation results show encouraging results.
Automatic control; Automated guided vehicle systems; Automobile driving — Lane changing; Sliding mode control
Repository Citation
Kachroo, P.,
Zhijun, L.
Vehicle Merging Control Design for an Automated Highway System.
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
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