Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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American Control Conference
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
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Feedback control design of complex systems can be made easier by working on simpler models of the system that are their abstractions. This paper presents a method to control a car-like robot using abstraction: the car is represented by a uni- cycle. A transformation is provided to calculate car inputs from unicycle inputs so that the car follows the unicycle trajectory whenever proper initial conditions are met. The transformation does not give correct results for the case when the unicycle is rotating. In this case, an open-loop optimal control algorithm is presented to generate car inputs. Simulation results are given for different initial car inputs and the results are compared.
Abstraction; Feedback control systems – Design
Repository Citation
Mellodge, P.,
Kachroo, P.
Open-loop Vehicle Control Using an Abstraction of its Model.
American Control Conference
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
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