Session 2 - Lethality and autonomous robots: An Ethical stance


Ronald Arkin


University of Nevada Las Vegas, Stan Fulton Building

Start Date

1-6-2007 11:20 AM

End Date

1-6-2007 11:30 AM


This paper addresses a difficult issue confronting the designers of intelligent robotic systems: their potential use of lethality in warfare. As part of an ARO-funded study, we are currently investigating the points of view of various demographic groups, including researchers, regarding this issue, as well as developing methods to engineer ethical safeguards into their use in the battlefield.


Artificial intelligence; Artificial intelligence – Military applications; Artificial intelligence – Moral and ethical aspects; Ethics; Ethical safeguards; Military art and science; Robots; Robots – Moral and ethical aspects; Warfare


Artificial Intelligence and Robotics | Ethics in Religion | Military and Veterans Studies | Robotics




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Jun 1st, 11:20 AM Jun 1st, 11:30 AM

Session 2 - Lethality and autonomous robots: An Ethical stance

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Stan Fulton Building

This paper addresses a difficult issue confronting the designers of intelligent robotic systems: their potential use of lethality in warfare. As part of an ARO-funded study, we are currently investigating the points of view of various demographic groups, including researchers, regarding this issue, as well as developing methods to engineer ethical safeguards into their use in the battlefield.