Award Date

May 2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching and Learning

First Committee Member

Christine Clark

Second Committee Member

Norma Marrun

Third Committee Member

Valerie Taylor

Fourth Committee Member

Monica Brown

Number of Pages



This dissertation examined the stories of Black Women Educational Leaders (BWEL) in PK-12t public education and their double consciousness as expressed through their leadership. The focus of this study was BWEL’s counternarratives as leaders within a system built upon systemic racism and oppression. Their experiences as Black Women Educational Leaders in PK-12 in a school district in which most school administrators are white, but most of the student body is Black and Brown were highlighted and centered to shed light on how the double consciousness of Black women informs their leadership. Utilizing Critical Race Feminism as the theoretical framework with Black Feminist Thought and Double Consciousness as analytical lenses, this study considered the historical and current research on the experiences and impact of BWELs, examined how systemic racism affects BWELs, and explored the role of race-gender consciousness in the way these BWEL exercise their leadership within their organizations. This qualitative counter-narrative multiple case study provided more significant insights into the counternarratives of the Black Women Leadership Experience (BWEL) and filled gaps in the existing literature on the double consciousness of Black Women Educational Leaders.


Black Feminist Thought; Black women educational leaders; counternarratives; double consciousness


African American Studies | Curriculum and Instruction | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Educational Leadership | Educational Methods | Race and Ethnicity

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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