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About the Collection
This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV School of Integrated Health Sciences. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.
Submissions from 2022
Factors Predicting Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior in Parkinsonisms, Jason K. Longhurst, John V. Rider, Kameron Eckard, Ryan Hammar, Franjo Vukojevic, Jillian Campbell, and Merrill R. Landers
Submissions from 2021
The Influence of Countermovement Strategy and External Load on Amortization Forces During Jump Squats, Leland Barker, Jake Siedlik, and John Mercer
The Revised 2019 Standards for Psychopharmacological Training: Model Education and Training Program in Psychopharmacology for Prescriptive Authority, Ronald T. Brown, Daniel J. Abrahamson, Deborah C. Baker, Rick A. Bevins, Catherine L. Grus, Marlin Hoover, Elaine S. LeVine, Alan J. Lincoln, and Elaine O. Foster
Inflammatory Cytokine Levels Implicated in Alzheimer's Disease Moderate the Effects of Sex on Verbal Memory Performance, Jessica Z.K. Caldwell, Jefferson W. Kinney, Aaron Ritter, Arnold Salazar, Christina G. Wong, Dietmar Cordes, and George M. Slavich
Program Survey Development, Chad Hensley
Introduction to the Special Issue: The Mutual Relationships of an Emerging Field, a Professional Organization, a Specialty Journal and the Advancement of Psychological Science in Medical Settings, Barry A. Hong and Ronald T. Brown
A Disaggregated, Categorical Analyses of Depression Among Sexual Gender Minority University Students, Sharon Jalene, Jennifer R. Pharr, Manoj Sharma, and Brach Poston
A Vicious Cycle of Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior in Parkinson’s Disease: A Path Analysis, Merrill R. Landers, Kameron M. Jacobson, Nicole E. Matsunami, Hannah E. McCarl, Michelle T. Regis, and Jason K. Longhurst
Long-Term Application of Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Does Not Improve Motor Learning in Parkinson’s Disease, Lidio Lima de Albuquerque, Milan Pantovic, Mitchell G. Clingo, Katherine M. Fischer, Sharon Jalene, Merrill R. Landers, Zoltan Mari, and Brach Poston
Case Study: The Effect Of Stride Frequency On The Over Ground Running Characteristics, Boram Lim and John Mercer
Influence Of Running Direction On Metabolic Costs May Be Attenuated By Body Weight Support, Kenji Masumoto, Alina Swafford, Cordero Roche, and John A. Mercer
Rasagiline Effects on Glucose Metabolism, Cognition, and Tau in Alzheimer’s Dementia, Dawn C. Matthews, Aaron Ritter, Ronald G. Thomas, Randolph D. Andrews, Ana S. Lukic, Carolyn Revta, Jefferson W. Kinney, Babak Tousi, James B. Leverenz, Howard Fillit, Kate Zhong, Howard H. Feldman, and Jeffrey Cummings
An Improved in Vitro Photochemical Internalization Protocol for 3D Spheroid Cultures, Lina Nguyen, Steen J. Madsen, Kristian Berg, and Henry Hirschberg
Examining the Effects of a blood Glucose Rescue on Alzheimer's Disease-related Pathology in Hyperglycemic Mice, Andrew Ortiz, Ava Platt, and Jefferson W. Kinney
Altered Theta Rhythm and Hippocampal-Cortical Interactions Underlie Working Memory Deficits in a Hyperglycemia Risk Factor Model of Alzheimer’s Disease, Ryan A. Wirt, Lauren A. Crew, Andrew A. Ortiz, Adam M. McNeela, Emmanuel Flores, Jefferson W. Kinney, and James M. Hyman
Submissions from 2020
Landing Biomechanics in Adolescent Athletes With and Without a History of Sports-Related Concussion, Jason M. Avedesian, Tracey Covassin, and Janet S. Dufek
Inflammatory Cytokine Levels Implicated in Alzheimer’s Disease Moderate the Effects of Sex on Verbal Memory Performance, Jessica Z.K. Caldwell, Jefferson W. Kinney, Aaron Ritter, Arnold Salazar, Christina G. Wong, Dietmar Cordes, and George M. Slavich
Benchmarking Risk Predictions and Uncertainties in the Nscr Model of Gcr Cancer Risks With Revised Low Let Risk Coefficients, Francis A. Cucinotta, Eliedonna Cacao, Myung-Hee Y. Kim, and Premkumar B. Saganti
The Role of Clinical Trials in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Development Programs, Jeffrey Cummings MD, ScD
Criteria for Psychosis in Major and Mild Neurocognitive Disorders: International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) Consensus Clinical and Research Definition, Jeffrey Cummings, Luiz Cortez Pinto, Manuel Cruz, Corinne E. Fischer, Debby L. Gerritsen, George T. Grossberg, Tzung-Jeng Hwang, Zahinoor Ismail, Dilip V. Jeste, Raymond Koopmans, Krista L. Lanctot, Susan Peschin, Cristina Sampaio, Debby Tsuang, Huali Wang, Kate Zhong, Lisa J. Bain, and Mary Sano
Kinematic Analyses of Parkour Landings From as High as 2.7 Meters, Boyi Dai, Jacob S. Layer, Taylour J. Hinshaw, Ross F. Cook, and Janet S. Dufek
Effects of Acute Cocoa Supplementation on Postprandial Apolipoproteins, Lipoprotein Subclasses, and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes after a High-Fat Meal, Dustin D. Davis, Rickelle Tallent, James W. Navalta, Anthony Salazar, Timothy J. Lyons, and Arpita Basu
An Acute Application of Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Does Not Improve Motor Performance in Parkinson’s Disease, Lidio Lima de Albuquerque, Milan Pantovic, Mitchel Clingo, Katherine Fischer, Sharon Jalene, Merrill Landers, Zoltan Mari, and Brach Poston
A Comparison of Two Techniques for Center of Pressure Measurements, Jessica DeBerardinis, Conner Neilsen, Daniel E. Lidstone, Janet S. Dufek, and Mohamed B. Trabia
Lesser Magnitudes of Lower Extremity Variability During Terminal Swing Characterizes Walking Patterns in Children With Autism, Jeffrey D. Eggleston, John R. Harry, Patrick A. Cereceres, Alyssa N. Olivas, Emily A. Chavez, Jason B. Boyle, and Janet S. Dufek