UNLV Anthropology Faculty Research | Department of Anthropology | University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV Department of Anthropology. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.


Submissions from 2016


Hunter-gatherer Males are More Risk-seeking than Females, Even in Late Childhood, C. L. Apicella, Alyssa Crittenden, and V A. Tobolsky


Small-scale Societies Exhibit Fundamental Variation in the Role of Intentions in Moral Judgment, H. C. Barrett, A Bolyanatz, Alyssa Crittenden, D. M.T. Fessler, S. Fitzpatrick, M. Gurven, J. Henrich, M. Kanovsky, G. Kushnick, A. Pisor, B. A. Scelza, S. Stich, C. Von Rueden, W. Zhao, and S. Laurence


Eat First, Share Later: Hadza Hunter-gatherer Men Consume More while Foraging than in Central Places, J. Colette Berbesque, Brian M. Wood, Alyssa N. Crittenden, Audax Z.P. Mabulla, and Frank W. Marlowe


Caracol, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase

Caracol - Dynastic History, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase


Caracol-dynastic History, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase


Ground Survey Techniques, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase


LIDAR, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase

The Ancient Maya City: Anthropogenic Landscapes, Settlement Archaeology, and Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase


Urbanism and Anthropogenic Landscapes, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase


Progression and Issues in the Mesoamerican Geospatial Revolution: An Introduction, Arlen F. Chase, Kathryn Reese-Taylor, Juan C. Fernandez-Diaz, and Diane Z. Chase


Caracol, Belize, and Changing Perceptions of Ancient Maya Society, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase

Childhood: Origins, Evolution, and Implications, Alyssa N. Crittenden

Emerging Issues in the Evolution of Human Childhood:, Alyssa N. Crittenden

Ethnobotany in Evolutionary Perspective: Wild Plants in Diet Composition and Daily Use among Hadza Hunter-gatherers, Alyssa N. Crittenden

Multiple Perspectives on the Evolution of Childhood, Alyssa N. Crittenden

To Share or Not to Share? Social Processes of Learning to Share Food among Hadza Hunter-gatherer Children, Alyssa N. Crittenden

Review of John Cartwright’s Evolution and Human Behaviour: Darwinian Perspectives on the Human Condition, Peter B. Gray


Review: The Shape of Thought: How Mental Adaptations Evolve by H. Clark Barrett, Peter B. Gray


Review: Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior, Revised Edition, Peter B. Gray


Romantic and Dating Behaviors among Single Parents in the United States, Peter B Gray, C Y. Franco, J R. Garcia, A. N. Gesselman, and H. E. Fisher


Effects of Human Maternal Placentophagy on Maternal Postpartum Iron Status: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study, Laura K. Gryder, Sharon M. Young, David Zava, Wendy Norris, Chad L. Cross, and Daniel C. Benyshek


Footprints Reveal Direct Evidence of Group Behavior and Locomotion in Homo erectus, K. G. Hatala, N T. Roach, K R. Ostrofsky, R. E. Wunderlich, H. L. Dingwall, Brian Villmoare, D. J. Green, J. W.K. Harris, D. R. Braun, and B. G. Richmond


Growing the Maya Social-Ecological System from the Bottom Up, Scott Heckbert, Christian Isendahl, Joel Gunn, Simon Brewer, Vernon Scarborough, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase Robert, Robert Costanza, Nicholas Dunning, Timothy Beach Sheryl, Sheryl Luzzader-Beach, David Lentz, and Paul Sinclair


Growing the Ancient Maya Social-Ecological System from the Bottom Up, Scott Heckbert, Christian Isendahl, Joel D. Gunn, Simon Brewer, Vernon L. Scarborough, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, Robert Costanza, Nicholas Dunning, Timothy Beach, Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach, David Lentz, and Paul Sinclair


Examining Style in Virgin Branch Corrugated Ceramics, Shannon Horton and Karen Harry


The State of Research on Urban Chinese Ethnicity: Urban Mongols, William Jankowiak and B Shurentana


Modelling the Diffusion of Pottery Technologies across Afro-Eurasia: Emerging Insights and Future Research, P. Jordan, Kevin Gibbs, P Hommel, H. Piezonka, F. Silva, and J. Steele


From Australopithecus to Homo: The Transition that Wasn’t, W. H. Kimbel and Brian Villmoare


Natural Theology, Verification, and Growth of Knowledge, Pierre Lienard


Hard Times in Dry Lands: Making Meaning of Violence in the Ancient Southwest, Debra L. Martin

New Directions in Biocultural Anthropology, Debra L. Martin

Introduction, Debra L. Martin and Molly Zuckerman

The Poetics of Corpse Fragmentation and Processin the Ancient Southwest., Debra Martin and Anna Ostenholtz

Broken Bodies and Broken Bones: Biocultural Approaches to Ancient Slavery and Torture, Debra Martin and Anna Osterholtz

The Next Generation, Debra Martin and Molly Zuckerman


Pleistocene Footprints Show Intensive Use of Lake Margin Habitats by Homo erectus Groups, N. T. Roach, K G. Hatala, K R. Ostrofsky, Brian Villmoare, J. S. Reeves, A. Du, D. R. Braun, J. W.K. Harris, A. K. Behrensmeyer, and B. G. Richmond

The Significance of "Persistent Places" in Shaping Regional Settlement History: The Case of the Mimbres Mogollon, Barbara Roth

What is Segmented Sleep? Actigraphy Field Validation for Daytime Sleep and Nighttime Wake, D. R. Samson, G M. Yetish, Alyssa Crittenden, I. A. Mabulla, A. Z.P. Mabulla, and C. L. Nunn


Impact of Brief Roasting on Starch Gelatinization in Whole Foods and Implications for Plant Food Nutritional Ecology in Human Evolution, Stephanie L. Schnorr, Alyssa N. Crittenden, and Amanda G. Henry


Differential Diagnosis of a Progressive Neuromuscular Disorder using Bioarchaeological and Biogeochemical Evidence from a Bronze Age Skeleton in the UAE, Alecia Schrenk, L A. Gregoricka, Debra Martin, and D. T. Potts


The Evolutionary Origin and Population History of the Grauer Gorilla, M. W. Tocheri, R Dommain, S C. McFarlin, S. E. Burnett, D. Troy-Case, C. M. Orr, N. T. Roach, Brian Villmoare, A. B. Eriksen, D. C. Kalthoff, S. Senck, Z. Assefa, C. P. Groves, and W. L. Jungers


Fecal Metabolome of the Hadza Hunter-gatherers: A Host-microbiome Integrative View, S. Turroni, J Fiori, S Rampelli, S. L. Schnorr, C. Consolandi, M. Barone, E. Biagi, F. Fanelli, M. Mezzullo, Alyssa Crittenden, A. G. Henry, P. Brigidi, and M. Candela


Enterocyte Associated Microbiome of the Hadza Hunter-gatherers, Silvia Turroni, Simone Rampelli, Manuela Centanni, Stephanie L. Schnorr, Clarissa Consolandi, Marco Severgnini, Clelia Peano Matteo, Soverini, Mirella Falconi, Alyssa N. Crittenden Amanda, G. Henry, Patrizia Brigidi, and Marco Candela


Enterocyte-associated Microbiome of the Hadza Hunter-gatherers, S. Turroni, S Rampelli, M Centanni, S. L. Schnorr, C. Consolandi, M. Severgnini, C. Peano, M. Soverini, M. Falconi, Alyssa Crittenden, A. G. Henry, P. Brigidi, and M. Candela

“Dog Moms” Use Authoritative Parenting Styles, Shelly Volsche and Peter B. Gray


Presence and Concentration of 17 Hormones in Human Placenta Processed for Encapsulation and Consumption, Sharon M. Young, Laura K. Gryder, David Zava, David W. Kimball, and Daniel C. Benyshek

A Biocultural Tribute to a Biocultural Scholar, Molly Zuckerman and Debra Martin

The Development of Biocultural Perspectives in Anthropology, Molly Zuckerman and Debra Martin

Submissions from 2015


Effects of Acute Change in Health Status on Human Female Sexuality, Tiffany A. Alvarez and Peter B. Gray


Hunter-Gatherer Families and Parenting, Coren L. Apicella and Alyssa N. Crittenden


Sex and the Human Skeleton, Kathryn M. Baustian and John J. Crandall

A New Terminal Classic Carved Altar from Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase

The Domestic Economy of Caracol, Belize: Articulating with the Institutional Economy in an Ancient Maya Urban Setting, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase


Markets Among the Ancient Maya: The Case of Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, Richard Terry, Jacob M. Horlacher, and Adrian S.Z. Chase

Thirty Years of Archaeology at Caracol, Belize: Retrospective and Prospective, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase


Allomothers, Alyssa N. Crittenden and Michelle Escasa-Dorne


Food Sharing among Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Children, Alyssa N. Crittenden and David A. Zes


Hormones and Human Sexuality, Michelle Escasa-Dorne and Peter B. Gray


Individual Differences in Women’s Salivary Testosterone and Estradiol Following Sexual Activity in a Non-Laboratory Setting, Justin R. Garcia, Michelle J. Escasa-Dorne, Peter B. Gray, and Amanda N. Gesselman


Human Sexual Response: Cultural Perspectives, Peter Gray

The Impact of Fathers on Children, Peter Gray and Kermyt G. Anderson


Women After All, Peter B. Gray


Fatherhood in St. Kitts: Patterns and Predictors of Partnership and Paternal Dynamics in a Caribbean Island, Peter B. Gray and Eulynis Brown


Dating and sexual behavior among single parents of young children in the United States, Peter B. Gray, Justin R. Garcia, Benjamin S. Crosier, and Helen E. Fisher


Sexuality among Fathers of Newborns in Jamaica, Peter B. Gray, Jody-Ann Reece, Charlene Coore-Desai, Twana Dinnall-Johnson, Sydonnie Pellington, and Maureen Samms-Vaughan


The Roles of Pet Dogs and Cats in Human Courtship and Dating, Peter B. Gray, Shelly L. Volsche, Justin R. Garcia, and Helen E. Fisher


Bioarchaeology Case Studies of Slavery, Captivity and Other Forms of Exploitation., Ryan P. Harrod and Debra L. Martin


Allomaternal Care and the Significance of Naturalistic Observations among Contemporary Foragers: A Commentary on Denham’s “Alyawarra Kinship, Infant Carrying, and Alloparenting", Kristen Herlosky, Elizabeth Brogden, Carol Franco, and Alyssa Crittenden


Commentary on “Children as a Reserve Labor Force”, David F. Lancy and Alyssa N. Crittenden

Articulating with the Broader Economy: Chert Pressure Blade Technology in a Caracol Residential Group, Lucas R. Martindale Johnson, Maureen Carpenter, Arlen F. Chase, and Diane Z. Chase


Beyond Epidemics: A Bioarchaeological Perspective on Pueblo-Spanish Encounters in the American Southwest, Debra L. Martin


Excavating for Truths: Forensic anthropology and Bioarchaeology as Ways of Making Meaning from Skeletal Evidence, Debra L. Martin


Bioarchaeological Contributions to the Study of Violence., Debra L. Martin and Ryan P. Harrod


Bodies and Lives in Ancient America: Health before Columbus, Debra L. Martin and Anna J. Osterholtz


Anatomy, Male, Timothy McHale and Peter B. Gray

Physical Competition Increases Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and Androstenedione rather than Testosterone among Juvenile Boy Soccer Players, Timothy S. McHale, David T. Zava, David Hales, and Peter B. Gray


Symbolic bones and Interethnic Violence in a Frontier Zone, Northwest Mexico ca 500-900 CE., Ben A. Nelson and Debra L. Martin


Metagenome Sequencing of the Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Gut Microbiota, Simone Rampelli, Stephanie L. Schnorr, Clarissa Consolandi, Silvia Turroni, Marco Severgnini, Clelia Peano, Patrizia Brigidi, Alyssa N. Crittenden, Amanda G. Henry, and Marco Candela


A Red Meat-Derived Glycan Promotes Inflammation and Cancer Progression, Annie N. Samraj, Oliver M. T. Pearce, Heinz Läubli, Alyssa N. Crittenden, Anne K. Bergfeld, Kalyan Banda, Christopher J. Gregg, Andrea E. Bingman, Patrick Secrest, Sandra L. Diaz, Nissi M. Varki, and Ajat Varki


Assessing Digestibility of Hadza Tubers Using a Dynamic In-Vitro Model, Stephanie Schnorr, Alyssa N. Crittenden, Koen Venema, and Amanda Henry


Impact of Brief Roasting on Starch Gelatinization in Whole Foods and Implications for Plant Food nNutritional Ecology in Human Evolution, Stephanie L. Schnorr, Alyssa N. Crittenden, and Amanda Henry


Social Neuroendocrine Approaches to Relationships, Sari M. van Anders and Peter B. Gray


Response to Comment on "Early Homo at 2.8 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia", Brian A. Villmoare, W H. Kimbel, C. Seyoum, C. J. Campisano, and Erin N. DiMaggio


Early Homo at 2.8 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia., Brian A. Villmoare, William H. Kimbel, Chalachew Seyoum, Christopher J. Campisano, Erin N. DiMaggio, John Rowan, David R. Braun, J. Ramón Arrowsmith, and Kaye E. Reed

Submissions from 2014


The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE, Arlen F. Chase

Ancient Maya Houses, Households, and Residential Groups at Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase

Obituary for Peter D. Harrison, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase


The Use of LiDAR in Understanding the Ancient Maya Landscape Caracol and Western Belize, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, Jaime J. Awe, and John F. Weishampel


Ancient Maya Regional Settlement and Inter-Site Analysis: The 2013 West-Central Belize LiDAR Survey, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, Jaime J. Awe, John F. Weishampel, Gyles Iannone, Holley Moyes, Jason Yaeger, Kathryn Brown, Ramesh Shrestha, William Carter, and Juan C. Fernandez-Diaz


Tropical Landscapes and the Ancient Maya: Environment, Archaeology, and Change, Arlen F. Chase, Lisa J. Lucero, Vernon L. Scarborough, Diane Z. Chase, Rafael Cobos, and Nicholas Dunning


Diversity, Resiliency, and IHOPE-Maya: Using the Past to Inform the Present, Arlen F. Chase and Vernon Scarborough


Forward, Arlen F. Chase and Vernon L. Scarborough


Ancient Maya Markets and the Economic Integration of Caracol, Belize, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase


Path Dependency in the Rise and Denouement of a Classic Maya City: The Case of Caracol, Belize, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase

Fish From Afar: Marine Resource Use at Caracol, Belize, Petra Cunningham-Smith, Arlen F. Chase, and Diane Z. Chase


A Tale of Three Cities: Effects of the A.D. 536 Event in the Lowland Maya Heartland, Bruce H. Dahlin and Arlen F. Chase


An Archaeological Consideration of Long-Term Socio-Environmental Dynamics on the Vaca Plateau, Belize, Gyles Iannone, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, Jaime Awe, Holley Moyes, George Brook, Jason Polk, James Webster, and James Conolly