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This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV Department of Anthropology. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.
Submissions from 2005
Methods, Karen G. Harry
Architectural Feature Descriptions, Karen G. Harry and Stephanie M. Whittlesey
Chemical Characterization of Ceramic Pastes, Karen G. Harry and Maria Nieves Zedeño
Market Integration, Cognitive Awareness, and the Expansion of Moral Empathy, William R. Jankowiak
Co-wife Conflict and Cooperation, William R. Jankowiak, Monika Sudakov, and Benjamin C. Wilreker
Pots, Potters and Models: Archaeological Investigations at the SRI Locus, West Branch Site, Tucson, Arizona, Stephanie M. Whittlesey and Karen G. Harry
Showering in the Sun, William Young, James Haggard, and Diane Z. Chase
Nonarchitectural Feature Descriptions, Lara Fedor Ziady, Karen G. Harry, and Stephanie M. Whittlesey
Submissions from 2004
Polities, Politics, and Social Dynamics: “Contextualizing” the Archaeology of the Belize Valley and Caracol, Arlen F. Chase
Exploring Ancient Economic Relationships at Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Preface, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Terminal Classic Status-Linked Ceramics and the Maya ‘Collapse:’ De Facto Refuse at Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Un Katun de Investigaciones en Caracol, Belice, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Archaeology, Faunal Analysis, and Interpretation: Lessons from Maya Studies, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, and Wendy Teeter
The Archaeology of the Belize Valley in Historical Perspective, Arlen F. Chase and James Garber
Diverse Voices: Towards an Understanding of Belize Valley Archaeology, Diane Z. Chase
Archaeological Perspectives on Classic Maya Social Organization from Caracol, Belize, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Hermeneutics, Transitions, and Transformations in Classic to Postclassic Maya Society, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Patrones de Enterramiento y Cíclos Residenciales en Caracol, Belice, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Santa Rita Corozal: Twenty Years Later, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
A Non-destructive Technique for Measuring Ceramic Porosity Using Liquid Nitrogen, Karen G. Harry and Allen Johnson
Introduction, William R. Jankowiak
Market Reform and the Expansion of China’s Moral Horizon, William R. Jankowiak
Themes in the Anthropological Study of Chinese Society, William R. Jankowiak
Adding Flesh to Bones: Using Zooarchaeology Research to Answer Big-Picture Questions, Wendy G. Teeter and Arlen F. Chase
Submissions from 2003
Minor Centers, Complexity, and Scale in Lowland Maya Settlement Archaeology, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Preface, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Secular, Sagrado, y Revisitado: La Profanacion, Alteracion, y Reconsagracion de los Antiguos Entierros Mayas, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Texts and Contexts in Classic Maya Warfare: A Brief Consideration of Epigraphy and Archaeology at Caracol, Belize, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Economic Organization and Settlement Hierarchies: Ceramic Production and Exchange Among the Hohokam, Karen G. Harry
Gender and Archaeological Research: A Look at Past and Current Trends, Karen G. Harry, Jodi Dalton, and Mark C. Slaughter
Sexual Desire or Passionate Love? An Individual’s Predicament and a Culture’s Dilemma, William R. Jankowiak
Conclusion, William R. Jankowiak and Dan Bradburd
Introduction, William R. Jankowiak and Dan Bradburd
Submissions from 2002
Maya Social Organization from a ‘Big Site’ Perspective: Classic Period Caracol, Belize and Tikal, Guatemala, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, and William A. Haviland
Classic Maya Warfare and Settlement Archaeology at Caracol, Belize, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Preface, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Ceramic Production and Distribution in Two Classic Period Hohokam Communities, Karen G. Harry, Paul R. Fish, and Suzanne K. Fish
Sex, Propriety and the Roles of Fathers, William R. Jankowiak
Extra-marital Affairs: A Reconsideration of the Meaning and Universality of the “Double Standard", William R. Jankowiak, Diane Nell, and Anne Buckmaster
Managing Infidelity: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, William R. Jankowiak, M. Diane Nell, and Anne Buckmaster
Paternal Reassurance or Material Reassurance? Parental Investment in an American Polygamous Community, William R. Jankowiak and Claudia Woodman
Submissions from 2001
Tayasal, Arlen F. Chase
Ancient Maya Causeways and Site Organization at Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Caracol, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Caracol, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
The Royal Court of Caracol, Belize: Its Palaces and People, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
El Paisaje Urbano Maya: La Integracion de los Espacios Construidos y la Estructura Social en Caracol, Belice, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, and Christine White
Santa Rita Corozal, Diane Z. Chase
Caracol Time Travel Project, Charles E. Hughes, J Michael Moshell, Dean Reed, Diane Z. Chase, and Arlen F. Chase
In the Name of the Father: Theology, Kinship and Charisma in an American Polygamous Community, William R. Jankowiak
Submissions from 2000
Sixth Century Change and Variation in the Southern Maya Lowlands: Integration and Disbursement at Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Inferences about Abandonment: Maya Household Archaeology and Caracol, Belize, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
La Guerra Maya del Periodo Clasico desde la Perspectiva de Caracol, Belice, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Ceramics and Community Organization Among the Hohokam, Karen G. Harry
Community-Based Craft Specialization: The West Branch Site, Karen G. Harry
Leadership Strategies among the Classic Period Hohokam: A Case Study, Karen G. Harry and James M. Bayman
Angel Park: A Polygamous Family System in American Culture, William R. Jankowiak
Sibling Solidarity in a Polygamous Community in the USA: Unpacking Inclusive Fitness, William R. Jankowiak and Monique Diderich
Femme Fatale and Status Fatale: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, William R. Jankowiak and Angela L. Ramsey
Submissions from 1999
Hallowed Fire in Caracol, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Affection and the Sexual Culture: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, William R. Jankowiak
Carnival on a Clipboard: An Ethnological Study of New Orleans Mardi Gras, William R. Jankowiak
Gender Power: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone, William R. Jankowiak
Review Essay on Gender, Sexuality and Chinese Studies, William R. Jankowiak
Submissions from 1998
Planeacion Civica e Integracion de Sitio en Caracol, Belice: Definiendo una Economia Administrada del Periodo Clasico Maya, Arlen F. Chase
Late Classic Maya Political Structure, Polity Size, and Warfare Arenas, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Scale and Intensity in Classic Period Maya Agriculture: Terracing and Settlement at the 'Garden City' of Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Termini, Test Excavations, and Surprises: The 1998 Field Season at Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Albergando a los Muertos en Caracol, Belice, Diane Z. Chase
The Architectural Context of Caches, Burials, and Other Ritual Activities for the Classic Period Maya (as Reflected at Caracol, Belize), Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Research Trends in the Study of Chinese Cities, a Review Essay, William R. Jankowiak
Submissions from 1997
Caracol: The Thirteenth Tun 1997 Season, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Reply to Bamforth, Karen G. Harry
Submissions from 1996
Mesoamerica: Classic Period in Mesoamerica, Arlen F. Chase
Tayasal, Arlen F. Chase
A Mighty Maya Nation: How Caracol Built an Empire by Cultivating Its Middle Class, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Caracol, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Caracol, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
More Than Kin and King: Centralized Political Organization Among the Ancient Maya, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
The Causeways of Caracol, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
The Organization and Composition of Classic Lowland Maya Society: The View from Caracol, Belize, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Burial and Tombs, Diane Z. Chase
Santa Rita Corozal, Diane Z. Chase
Clarissa 'Carrie' Hunter-Tate, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Maya Multiples: Individuals, Entries, and Tombs in Structure A34 of Caracol, Belize, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Questions of Political and Economic Integration: Segmentary versus Centralized States Among the Ancient Maya, John W. Fox, Garrett W. Cook, Arlen F. Chase, and Diane Z. Chase
Chemical Stimulants, Conquest and the Management of Labor: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, William R. Jankowiak and Dan Bradburd
Sexual Selection, Physical Attractiveness and Facial Neoteny: Cross-Cultural Evidence and Implications, William R. Jankowiak and Doung Jones
Performance and Imagination: Towards an Anthropology of the Spectacular and the Mundane, William R. Jankowiak and Gary B. Palmer
Submissions from 1995
External Impetus, Internal Synthesis, and Standardization: E Group Assemblages and the Crystallization of Classic Maya Society in the Southern Lowlands, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Terraces, Tunnels, and Transects: The Caracol Project 1995, Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
Review of "Ideology and Pre-Columbian Civilizations" by A.A. Demarest and G.W. Conrad, Diane Z. Chase
Review of "Lowland Maya Civilization in the Eighth Century A.D." by J.A. Sabloff and J.S. Henderson, Diane Z. Chase
Cation-Ratio Dating of Varnished Artifacts: Testing the Assumptions, Karen G. Harry
Introduction, William R. Jankowiak
Love and Passion in Chinese Society, William R. Jankowiak
Urban Chinese: Family Life in a Communist Society, William R. Jankowiak