Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal
Volume 2, Issue 3 (2017) Family Caregiving
Health inequities of Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander family caregivers: Disaggregate vs. aggregate data & findings
Merle Kataoka-Yahiro
Special Issues
Mālama nā makua i nā keiki me ka hānō: Native Hawaiian parents caring for their children with asthma
May K. Kealoha and Merle Kataoka-Yahiro
Beliefs in advance care planning among Chinese Americans: Similarities and differences between the younger and older generations
Mei ching Lee, Ha Do Byon, Katherine Hinderer, and Carla Alexander
Hospice utilization of Medicare beneficiaries in Hawai‘i compared to other states
Deborah Taira, Merle Kataoka-Yahiro, and Angela Sy
Korean sibling caregivers of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia
Mijung Park and Kwang-Ja Lee
“These classes have been my happy place”: Feasibility study of a self-care program in Native Hawaiian custodial grandparents
Loriena Yancura, Heather Greenwood-Junkermeier, and Christine A. Fruhauf
The applicability of the decisional conflict scale in nursing home placement decision among Chinese family caregivers: A mixed methods approach
Yu-Ping Chang, Loralee Sessanna, and Joanne Kraenzle Schneider