Augmented Performance: A Remote Process and Engagement between Metrics and Outcomes

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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100 + 1 | RESILIENCE: CELA 2021

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Augmented reality is not only gaining traction as an innovative representation tool but with the integration of parametric modeling and performance metrics, it can also serve as a decision-making process (Duenser et al., 2008). Students, community members, and stakeholder groups can rapidly generate scenarios that align with design program objectives that relate to social, economic, and environmental benefits for measurable outcomes. With the augmented interface, information and data becomes perceptual and responsive to real-time data, performance parameters, and user decision making. With the influx of real-time quantitative data that updates during this process, there is a profound opportunity to fundamentally shift design thinking and action based on these augmented outcomes. By embedding measurables and metrics, a new design process and methodology can potentially emerge that enables the respective parties to generate scenarios for accessing and evaluating their goals and objectives.


Augmented reality; Parametric modeling; Landscape performance; Community engagement; Remote environment


Civic and Community Engagement

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