"Transparency in Faculty Development Collaboration at a Minority-servin" by Katie Humphreys, Mary-Ann Winkelmes et al.

Transparency in Faculty Development Collaboration at a Minority-serving Research University


Winkelmes, M.A., Boye, A. & Tapp, S. (Eds.)

Document Type

Book Section

Publication Date


Publication Title

Transparent Design in Higher Education Teaching and Leadership: A Guide to Implementing the Transparency Framework Institution-Wide to Improve Learning and Retention


Stylus Publishing

Publisher Location

Sterling, VA



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The Transparency Framework has guided teachers, students, and faculty developers in designing teaching and learning materials that maximize equitable opportunities for students to succeed in college. This chapter examines how the framework can guide broader institutional practices to connect collaborators’ educational development work, through shared language, resources, and goals, in support of an institution’s strategic plan priorities. It introduces the idea of scaling applications of transparent design to increasingly larger contexts in higher education. A group of over 30 staff, faculty, and students collaborate voluntarily to provide faculty development services at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). These collaborators represent every college and school and more than 10 administrative units, spanning academic affairs and student affairs. The Transparency Framework has helped the group address important challenges ¬ that any large team from across institutional units might face, such as the following: • The need for a shared language that invites easy communication across disciplines and areas of expertise • The codification of shared measures of success for the group, when each individual unit must also meet its own specific performance measures • The adoption of a single, accessible planning tool for combining skills and resources across units in an equitable way and for assessing collective success This chapter describes how the UNLV group applied the purpose-task-criteria Transparency Framework to their work in a variety of ways that enabled a robust faculty development program built by many contributors.

Controlled Subject

Education, Higher; Universities and colleges--Administration; Universities and colleges--Faculty


Higher Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Teacher Education and Professional Development



Publisher Citation

Humphries, K., Winkelmes, M.A., Gianoutsos, D., and Associates (2019). Transparency in faculty development collaboration at a minority-serving research university. Book chapter in Winkelmes, M.A., Boye, A. & Tapp, S. (Eds.) Transparent Design in Higher Education Teaching and Leadership. Sterling, VA: Stylus Pub.
