Bibliography of UNLV faculty produced scholarship | UNLV Author Bibliography | University of Nevada, Las Vegas

The UNLV Bibliography is a showcase and record of the scholarly and creative output of UNLV researchers. This project preserves, increases discoverability, and provides additional access to UNLV research while enhancing the visibility of UNLV faculty and increasing the impact of their work.

This series includes a list of entries covering works published in 2022.

The University Libraries will update the UNLV Bibliography to build a comprehensive and current bibliography reflecting the full scope of research and creative activities at the university.

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Submissions from 2022

Effect of Training Volume on Footstrike Patterns Over an Exhaustive Run, Jan Urbaczka, Julia F. Silvernail, and Daniel Jandacka

Global Postal Automation, Aimee Vachon, Leslie Ordonez, and Jorge F. Cacho

Early Perinatal Workforce Adaptations to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jennifer Vanderlaan and Kate Woeber

Exosomal Microrna Differential Expression in Plasma of Young Adults With Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Healthy Control, Rany Vorn, Maiko Suarez, Jacob C. White, Carina A. Martin, Hyung Suk Kim, Chen Lai, Sijung Yun, Jessica M. Gill, and Hyunhwa Lee

Associations of Neonicotinoids With Insulin and Glucose Homeostasis Parameters in Us Adults: Nhanes 2015–2016, Ann M. Vuong, Cai Zhang, and Aimin Chen

Innovation Investment and Subsidy Strategy in Two-Sided Market, Man Wang, Honghui Deng, and Keong G. Leong

Stoichiometric Carbocatalysis via Epoxide-Like C−S−O Configuration on Sulfur-Doped Biochar for Environmental Remediation, Zhonghao Wan, Zibo Xu, Yuqing Sun, Qiaozhi Zhang, Deyi Hou, Bin Gao, Eakalak Khan, Nigel J.D. Graham, and Daniel C.W. Tsang

Diamond and Methane Formation From the Chemical Decomposition of Polyethylene at High Pressures and Temperatures, E. B. Watkins, R. C. Huber, C. M. Childs, Ashkan Salamat, J. S. Pigott, P. Chow, Y. Xiao, and J. D. Coe

Application of Different Krylov Subspace Methods in Subcooled Flow Boiling Simulation, Hongyang Wei and Yi-Tung Chen


Factors Associated with Opioid Overdose after an Initial Opioid Prescription, Scott G. Weiner, Sanae El Ibrahimi, Michelle A. Hendricks, Sara E. Hallvik, Christi Hildebran, Michael A. Fischer, Roger D. Weiss, Edward W. Boyer, Peter W. Kreiner, Dagan A. Wright, Diana P. Flores, and Grant A. Ritter


The Slow Violence of Racism on Asian Americans During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt, Aldo Barrita, Anthony King, and Michelle Strong

Vinasse-Based Biochar Magnetic Composites: Adsorptive Removal of Tetracycline in Aqueous Solutions, Yujia Xiang, Yuzhou Zhou, Bin Yao, Yuqing Sun, Eakalak Khan, Wei Li, Guihua Zeng, Jian Yang, and Yaoyu Zhou

Study on Mechanical Stress of Semicircular and Rectangular Channels in Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers, Zirui Xu, Wangnan Chen, Jie Lian, Xiongwei Yang, Qiuwang Wang, Yi-Tung Chen, and Ting Ma

Key Data Elements for Longitudinal Tracking of Physical Function: A Modified Delphi Consensus Study, Daniel L. Young, Julie M. Fritz, Jacob Kean, Anne Thackeray, Joshua K. Johnson, Danica Dummer, Sandra Passek, Mary Stilphen, Donna Beck, Suzanne Havrilla, Erik H. Hoyer, Michael Friedman, Kelly Daley, and Robin L. Marcus

Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Disinfection By-Products in Biochar Filter Leachate Using Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry, Atcharaporn Youngwilai, Phanwatt Phungsai, Nontipa Supanchaiyamat, Andrew J. Hunt, Yuvarat Ngernyen, Thunyalux Ratpukdi, Eakalak Khan, and Sumana Siripattanakul-Ratpukdi

Enhanced Removal of Ammonium From Water Using Sulfonated Reed Waste Biochar-a Lab-Scale Investigation, Ming Zhang, Ruyi Sun, Ge Song, Lijun Wu, Hui Ye, Liheng Xu, Sanjai J. Parikh, Tuan Nguyen, Eakalak Khan, Meththika Vithanage, and Yong Sik Ok

The CHIME Fast Radio Burst Population Does Not Track the Star Formation History of the Universe, Rachel C. Zhang and Bing Zhang


Mental Disorder Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America – A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Stephen X. Zhang, Kavita Batra, Wen Xu, Tao Liu, Rebecca Kechen Dong, Allen Yin, Andrew Yilong Delios, Bryan Z. Chen, Richard Z. Chen, Saylor Miller, Xue Wan, Wenping Ye, and Jiyao Chen


“Best Employers”: The Impacts of Employee Reviews and Employer Awards on Job Seekers’ Application Intentions, Yunxuan (Carrie) Zhang, Cass Shum, and Amanda Mapel Belarmino

The Influence of Four-Wire Structure on the Flow and Heat Transfer Process in Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactor Fuel Assembly, Zhirui Zhao, Jianxin Shi, Baozhi Sun, Yi-tung Chen, Wanze Wu, and Huidan Fu

Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave Propagations in Negative Index Materials by the Localized Rbf-Collocation Method, Hui Zheng, Zhuowan Fan, and Jichun Li


Artificial Intelligence in the Radiomic Analysis of Glioblastomas: A Review, Taxonomy, and Perspective, Ming Zhu, Sijia Li, Yu Kuang, Virginia B. Hill, Amy B. Heimberger, Lijie Zhai, and Shenjie Zhai


Artificial Intelligence in the Radiomic Analysis of Glioblastomas: A Review, Taxonomy, and Perspective, Ming Zhu, Sijia Li, Yu Kuang, Virigina B. Hill, Amy B. Heimberger, Lijie Zhai, and Shenjie Zhai