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About the Collection
This collection contains lectures from the Beverly Rogers, Carol C. Harter Black Mountain Institute. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title.
Submissions from 2014
2014 Elias Ghanem Chair, Robert Coover
KNPR Interview, Robert Coover
KNPR Interview, Bart D. Ehrman
"Does It Matter If Jesus Was Married?", Bart D. Ehrman, Mark D. Jordan, and Karen L. King
O, Heart: A Verse Drama, Claudia Keelan
Emerging Novelist Leni Zumas, Leni Zumas
Submissions from 2013
The Arab Spring, John Entelis and Hamadi Redissi
The Arab Spring: Between Hopes & Impediments, Mustapha Marrouchi, Sophie Bessis, John Entelis, and Hamadi Redissi
KNPR Interview, George Saunders
Three Generations of American Writers, George Saunders, Maile D. Chapman, and Douglas Unger
Life, Career, and the Evolving Role of the Artist, Wole Soyinka
Writing in an Untenable World, Wole Soyinka
Readings from Luis Alberto Urrea, Luis A. Urrea
KNPR Interview, Richard Wiley
The Book of Important Moments: A Reading and Discussion with Richard Wiley, Richard Wiley
Submissions from 2012
KNPR Interview, Blake Butler
KNPR Interview, Sarah Shun-lien Bynum
KNPR Interview, Peter Covino
A Visit from the Goon Squad, Jennifer Egan
Keynote Speech: Vegas Valley Book Festival, Jennifer Egan
KNPR Interview, Mary Gaitskill
Female Novelists in the 21st Century: Not Your Grandmother's Sense and Sensibility, Mary Gaitskill, Sarah Shun-lien Bynum, Cheryl Strayed, and Maile Chapman
KNPR Interview, Kelle Groom
Readings From Selected Works, James Longenbach
American Gypsy, Oksana Marafioti
Bear Down, Bear North, Melinda Moustakis
KNPR Interview, Kris Saknussemm
Readings from Reverend America, Kris Saknussemm
KNPR Interview, Cheryl Strayed
A Night in the Operating Room: A Cutting Edge Discussion on Medical Ethics, Harriet Washington, David Ewing Duncan, and Jacob Appel
Is Moderation Possible in American Politics?, Juan Williams, Norman J. Ornstein, Kathleen Parker, and Patricia Cunningham
Submissions from 2011
KNPR interview, Uwem Akpan
Bennett Fellows in Conversation, Uwem Akpan, Daniel Brook, and Mary-Anne Tirone Smith
Nexus 9: Human trafficking, Uwem Akpan and Alexis Kennedy
God and Islam, Reza Aslan
Vegas Valley Book Festival Crystal Bookmark Award presentation, Christina Barr, Glenn Schaeffer, and Lee Solonche
Nexus 18: Solar energy, Robert F. Boehm and Donald Reid
Modern architecture and what a building means, Daniel Brook
Nexus 16: Globalization of architecture, Daniel Brook and Bradley Schulz
Nexus 7: Shakespeare's enduring appeal, Richard Dutton and Richard Harp
KNPR interview, Barbara Ehrenreich
The Future of American liberalism, Barbara Ehrenreich, Lewis H. Lapham, and Curtis White
Nexus 13: Vietnam War, J. Andy Fry and Terry Care
Nexus 14: Life of Eleanor Roosevelt, Marcia Gallo and Blanche Wiesen Cook
Nexus 20: Pioneer women in Nevada, Joanne Goodwin and Kathleen England
Nexus 17: Education reform, Gene Hall, Sonya Douglass Horsford, and Thomas Loveless
Black Mountain Institute fifth anniversary celebration, Carol C. Harter
Nexus 11: Narrative poetry and creative writing, Carol C. Harter and C. D. Wright
Nexus 21: Higher education and liberal arts, Christopher Hudgins and Gina Polovina
Freethinker and atheist, Susan Jacoby
Theism/atheism: Belief and unbelief in America, Susan Jacoby, Karen King, and Reza Aslan
Christians aren't always right about christianity, Karen King
Readings from Crit, Andrew Kiraly
KNPR interview, Joshua Kryah
Readings from We Are Starved, Joshua Kryah
Jazz: America's gift to the world, David L. Loeb, Ellis Marsalis jr., Ishmael Reed, and Marlena Shaw
Nexus 8: The Las Vegas housing market, Alan Mallach and Mark Stark
Talking jazz, Ellis Marsalis Jr.
Nexus 10: Pakistani women and feminism, Riffat Masood and Hanadi Nadeem
Nexus 12: Economics and the environment, Helen R. Neill and Adele C. Morris
Jazz, Obama, and today's African-American, Ishmael Reed
Nexus 2: Urban development and UNLV, Michael Saltman and Gregory S. Brown
Nexus 5: Las Vegas history and culture, Geoff Schumacher and Michael S. Green
KNPR interview, Jane Smiley
Vegas Valley Book Festival keynote address, Jane Smiley
Nexus 22: Environmental policy and politics, Krystyna Stave and Scot Rutledge
Nexus 15: Juvenile justice system, David Tanenhaus and Barbara Buckley
Nexus 19: The U.S. Civil War, Mary-Anne Tirone Smith and Elizabeth White Neslon
Nexus 1: Black Mountain Institute, Dina Titus, Richard Wiley, and Tom Gallagher
Nexus 4: Latin America and opportunity, John P. Tuman and Mauricio Cardenas
KNPR interview, Laura van den Berg
KNPR interview, C. D. Wright
Reading from selected works and discussion, C. D. Wright
Nexus 6: The legacy of Latin America's human rights struggle, Thomas Wright and Douglas Unger
Nexus 3: The Cold War, the Nevada Test Site, and national security, Stephen Younger and Troy Wade
Submissions from 2010
KNPR interview, T. C. Boyle
The Foot, T. C. Boyle
The Future of American conservatism, Richard Brookhiser, Sam Tannenhaus, and David Frum
KNPR interview, Maile Chapman
KNPR interview, Junot Diaz
Blurring borders, Junot Diaz, Yiyun Li, and Pablo Medina
St. Patrick's celebration, Martin Hayes, Dennis Cahill, Aine Meenaghan, and Timothy O'Grady
Writing the world: American authors looking outward, Peter Hessler, Paul Theroux, Mary-Ann Tirone Smith, and Marnie Mueller
KNPR interview, Jim Lehrer
The Death of old news, Jim Lehrer and Alex Jones
KNPR interview, Yiyun Li
KNPR interview, Pablo Medina
KNPR interview, Lavonne Mueller
Fellows in conversation, Lavonne Mueller, Judith Nies, and Timothy O'Grady
Working girl in the 60s, Judith Nies
Knife Thrower, Alissa Nutting
The Modern day woman, Alissa Nutting
KNPR interview, Timothy O'Grady
I Could Read the Sky, Timothy O'Grady, Martin Hayes, Dennis Cahill, and Aine Meenaghan
The Future of conservatism, Sam Tannenhaus
Writing around the world, Paul Theroux
KNPR interview, Mary-Anne Tirone Smith
KNPR interview, Vu Tran
Reading of selected works, Vu Tran and Maile Chapman
Here Bullet, Brian Turner