Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date

Fall 12-2022

Publication Title

Brookings Public Policy Minor Culminating Project

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As cities continue to grow at exponential rates, land use regulations, specifically density restrictions, have been implemented to mitigate economic effects, from increasing housing prices to difficult public transportation construction. These regulations range in type, taking into account factors regarding the most effective urban form for cities and recently the presence of COVID-19. Land use effects on housing prices are also adjacent to tackle the climate crisis. Two of the most common air pollutants, PM 2.5 and Ozone, are run in a comparative analysis to areas with varying measures of density restrictions to detect a possible association using multiple regression analysis. This policy brief then discusses the results of this analysis, the associated factors behind land-use regulations, the state of play of the environment in urban areas, and possible policy recommendations to implement affect land use regulations that improve air quality in urban environments across the nation.


Land use; Pollution; Density; Housing; COVID-19


Higher Education | Public Affairs | Public Policy | Social Policy | Urban Studies


