UNLV Brookings Mountain West Publications | University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Brookings Mountain West will produce top-quality comparative trend data, policy frameworks, and recommendations influenced by and building on Brookings “MetroPolicy” agenda. Useful and regionally aimed metro trends reports will be issued.


Submissions from 2018


The Growing Need for Diverse Teachers in the Mountain West, Michael Hansen and Diana Quintero


Upward Mobility in the American Mountain West, Richard Reeves

Submissions from 2014


Tax Reform in Nevada: Ideas for Creating a More Stable Revenue Structure, J. T. Creedon


English Language Learners in Nevada, Robin Gonzales


Cracking the Code on Stem: A People Strategy for Nevada's Economy, Jessica A. Lee, Mark Muro, Jonathan Rothwell, Scott Andes, and Siddharth Kulkarni


Cracking the Code on Stem: A People Strategy for Nevada's Economy Executive Summary, Jessica A. Lee, Mark Muro, Jonathan Rothwell, Scott Andes, and Siddharth Kulkarni


Interstate Migration Among Latinos and the Foreign‐Born Latino Population in Nevada, 2007‐2011, Jaewon Lim, John P. Tuman, and David F. Damore


Do Gasoline Prices Affect Residential Property Values?, Adele C. Morris and Helen R. Neill

Submissions from 2013


2013 National Science Foundation (NSF) Rankings by Total R&D Expenditures, Brookings Mountain West and The Lincy Institute


Advancing Southern Nevada’s Regional Priorities: Overview of the 77th Session of the Nevada Legislature, David F. Damore


A Political Profile of Nevada’s Latino Population, David F. Damore, John P. Tuman, and Maria J.F. Agreda


Solar Energy: A Media Analysis of Las Vegas, NV and Phoenix, AZ, Jennifer Liese


Nevada Surface Transportation, The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West


Immigration and the Contours of Nevada’s Latino Population, John P. Tuman, David F. Damore, and Maria J.F. Agreda


The Impact of the Great Recession on Nevada’s Latino Community, John P. Tuman, David F. Damore, and Maria J.F. Agreda

Submissions from 2012


The Utah Model: Lessons for Regional Planning, Brenda C. Scheer

Submissions from 2011


Sustainability and climate models for the Intermountain West: An annotated bibliography, Marianne A. Buehler and William E. Brown Jr.


Unify, Regionalize, Diversify: An Economic Development Agenda for Nevada, Mark Muro


Structurally unbalanced: Cyclical and structural deficits in Arizona, Matthew Murray, Kristin Borns, Susan Clark-Johnson, Mark Muro, Jennifer Vey, Brookings Mountain West, and Morrison Institute for Public Policy


Structurally unbalanced: Cyclical and structural deficits in California and the Intermountain West, Matthew Murray, Susan Clark-Johnson, Mark Muro, Jennifer Vey, Brookings Mountain West, and Morrison Institute for Public Policy

Submissions from 2009

Beyond Edge City: Office Geography in the New Metropolis, Robert E. Lang, Thomas W. Sanchez, and Asli Ceylan Oner

Submissions from 2008


Mountain megas: America's newest metropolitan places and a federal leadership to help them prosper, Robert E. Lang, Andrea Sarzynski, and Mark Muro

Submissions from 2005


Beyond Megalopolis: Exploring America’s New “Megapolitan” Geography, Robert E. Lang and Dawn Dhavale