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The coronavirus (COVID-19) has disrupted curricular plans at UNLV and nursing schools across the nation, and clinical instruction and evaluation were notably impacted. Nursing faculty are accustomed to direct observation of student performance in the clinical setting to inform student evaluation in clinical. Due to the pandemic, many clinical requirements are completed virtually because of clinical displacement of students. With reverse case study use in a remote clinical learning environment, the UNLV SoN has successfully met clinical learning needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reverse case studies differ from the traditional case study in that students are involved with the development or evolution of the patient case. Combining this instructional method with the remote learning environment has been successful in our clinical courses at the SoN. It has been paramount in preventing disruption in our nursing students' journey toward becoming professional nurses and joining the force in combating COVID-19. Traditional methods of observing and evaluating students were interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Reverse case studies allowed the clinical instructor and group to work closely together, allowing the instructor to evaluate critical thinking, collaboration and teamwork, prioritization, clinical judgment, and decision-making. Clinical instructor evaluations, both formal and informal, rendered results that showed an increase in all of the noted areas. Student feedback regarding the use of reverse case studies was positive, resulting in qualitative feedback such as, "I enjoyed the reverse case studies. They made me think," "I enjoyed working with my group members to solve the patients' case-I felt like a nurse,” and "The reverse case studies allowed me to practice clinical decision making." Faculty at the SON have developed guidelines and templates based on evidence-based resources that can be shared with other schools who want to try this approach. Other practice-based disciplines can use this method of instruction in the remote clinical learning environment and using adapted versions of our guidelines and templates. Using a webconferencing platform such as Zoom or Google Hang-Outs, clinical instructors can create an environment simulating actual patient cases driven by students.

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Las Vegas (Nev.)

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UNLV Office of Faculty Affairs




Online learning; Reverse case study


Education | Higher Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

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905 KB


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Using the Reverse Case Study to Meet Clinical Outcomes in a Practice-Based Discipline
