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I teach college students about having a Growth Mindset and using the “Power of YET” in not only their college courses, but their everyday life. A growth mindset is how students perceive their abilities and the role that plays in their motivation and achievement. (Dweck, 2015). Teaching college students strategies and chances for reflective collaboration encourages them to learn from productive feedback, embrace challenges, rethink failure, and ultimately find success at the university level. UNLV is dedicated to increasing student retention as well as success rates. Growth Mindset has been widely studied and implemented in education, however, it has not been widely implemented in the college classrooms. (Yeager & Dweck, 2012). I have found that by implementing it in my teaching, my students are less frustrated, more likely to ask for help, and find greater success in not only my course, but others as well.
Publisher Location
Las Vegas (Nev.)
Publication Date
UNLV Office of Faculty Affairs
Growth mindset; Student retention
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199 KB
Recommended Citation
Arroyo, Michelle, "Are We There YET? The Power of Yet for Adult Students" (2020). UNLV Best Teaching Practices Expo. 86.