Research from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Department of Criminal Justice Faculty.


Submissions from 2016

Perceptions of Stalking Victimization Among Behaviorally Defined Victims: Examining Factors that Influence Self-Identification, Timothy C. Hart and Emily I. Troshynski

China’s Death Penalty in the Twenty-First Century, Bin Liang and Hong Lu


Political Embeddedness and its Impact on Chinese Lawyers’ Practices in Criminal Defense Cases, Bin Liang, Hong Lu, and Ni (Phil) He


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Professional Perceptions of Jury Decision-making Research Practices, Joel D. Lieberman, Daniel A. Krauss, Miliaikeala Heen, and Mari Sakiyama

The Death Penalty in China Policy, Practice and Reform, Hong Lu

The Criminal Justice System and the Death Penalty, Hong Lu, Yudu Li, and Charlotte Hu

Opportunities for White-Collar Crime, Tamara D. Madensen

Adolescent Biology, Poverty and Risk, M. A. Males and Randall Shelden

Homicide: Its Prevalence, Correlates, and Situational Contexts, Terance D. Miethe and Wendy C. Regoeczi


Understanding the Regulatory Thicket: Interactions Among State Environmental Regulators and Regulatees, Michelle Pautz, Sara Rinfret, and Melissa L. Rorie

Criminal Justice Considerations for Unsubmitted and Untested Sexual Assault Kits: A Review of the Literature and Suggestions for Moving Forward, Gillian M. Pinchevsky

Despite the Idea That All Are Equal Under the Law, Women Are Often Treated More Leniently in Pretrial Decisions, Gillian M. Pinchevsky and Benjamin Steiner


Sex-based Disparities in Pretrial Release Decisions and Outcomes, Gillian M. Pinchevsky and Benjamin Steiner


Sex-based Disparities in Pretrial Release Decisions and Outcomes, Gillian M. Pinchevsky and Benjamin Steiner


A Small Constellation: Risk Factors Informing Police Perceptions of Domestic Abuse, Amanda L. Robinson, Gillian M. Pinchevsky, and Jennifer A. Guthrie


Under the Radar: Policing Non-violent Domestic Abuse in the US and UK, Amanda L. Robinson, Gillian M. Pinchevsky, and Jennifer A. Guthrie

Experimental Criminology, Melissa L. Rorie


Big Hover or Big Brother? Public Attitudes about Drone Usage in Domestic Policing Activities, Mari Sakiyama, Terance D. Miethe, Joel D. Lieberman, Miliakeala S. J. Heen, and Olivia Tuttle

Gender-responsive Risk and Need Assessment: Implications for Justice-involved Women, Emily Salisbury, Breanna Boppre, and Bridget Kelly


What Works?: A Systematic Review of Corporate Crime Deterrence Schell-Busey et al. Corporate Crime Deterrence, Natalie Schell-Busey, Sally S. Simpson, Melissa Rorie, and Mariel Alper


Crime and Criminal Justice in American Society, Second Edition, Randall G. Shelden, William B. Brown, and Karen S. Miller

Introduction: Juvenile Justice in Historical Perspective, Randall G. Shelden and Daniel E. Macallair

Economic Fluctuations and Crises, Sally S. Simpson and Melissa L. Rorie


Research on Body Worn Cameras: Meeting the Challenges of Police Operations, Program Implementation, and Randomized Controlled Trial Designs, William H. Sousa, James R. Coldren Jr., Denise Rodriguez, and Anthony A. Braga


Citizen Acceptance of Police Interventions: An Example of CCTV Surveillance in Las Vegas, Nevada, William Sousa and Tamara Madensen