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About the Collection

This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV College of Education. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.


Submissions from 2022


Racism and Resilience: Counter-Narratives of Asian International College Students in the Age of COVID-19, Katrina Liu, Richard Miller, Sharolyn D. Pollard-Durodola, and Lei Ping

Submissions from 2021

Ensuring Access to Online Learning for All Students Through Universal Design for Learning, Sara Flanagan and Joseph John Morgan

Conducting Classroom Observations: The Plight of 1:1 Laptop Title 1 Schools, Miguel M. Gonzales and Iesha Jackson

Leading Multiple Schools: An Examination of Franchise Model School Principals, Miguel M. Gonzales and Maria B. Roberts

A Systematic Review of Whiteness Assessment Properties and Assumptions: Implications for Counselor Training and Research, Danica G. Hays, Hannah B. Bayne, Jan L. Gay, Zachary P. McNiece, and Cheolwoo Park

A Grounded Theory of Counselor Educators' Academic Leadership Development, Danica G. Hays, Stephanie A. Crockett, and Rebecca Michel

Promoting Rigorous Research: Generalizability and Qualitative Research, Danica G. Hays and W. Bradley McKibben


The Real Me: Shared Technology’s Impact on Status From the Lens of Positioning Theory, Christina Nishiyama, Michael E. Nussbaum, and Michael S. Van Winkle

Where Are the Special Niches in Doctoral Programs in Mathematics Education in the United States?, Robert E. Reys, Barbara J. Reys, and Jeffrey C. Shih

Submissions from 2020

Attracting and Responding to an Audience: Preschoolers’ Multimodal Composing in Show-and-Tell Activity, Alain Bengochea, Sabrina F. Sembiante, and Mileidis Gort

Race and Ethnicity in Biology Research Mentoring Relationships, Angela Byars-Winston, Patrice Leverett, Ross J. Benbow, Christine Pfund, Nancy Thayer-Hart, and Janet Branchaw


Managing Substance Use Disorder through a Walking/Running Training Program, Chia-Liang Dai, Ching-Chen Chen, George B. Richardson, and Howard R. D. Gordon

Mastering the NCE and CPCE (3rd ed), Bradley T. Erford, Danica G. Hays, and Stephanie A. Crockett

Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competency Research: Opportunities for Innovation, Danica Hays

A Playlist as a Metaphor for Engaging in a Collaborative Self-Study of Mathematics Teacher Educator Practices, Crystal A. Kalinec-Craig, Jaime M. Diamond, and Jeffrey Shih

Submissions from 2019

Cultural Relevance in Special Education: Current Status and Future Direction, Monica R. Brown PhD, June Dennis MED, and Monique Matute-Chavarria

"A Ditcher and a Scholar": Examining College-Going Socialization in an Urban Magnet High School, Julia Duncheon and Stefani R. Relles

A 15-Year Content Analysis of Three Qualitative Research Traditions, Stephen V. Flynn, James S. Korcuska, Nicole V. Brady, and Danica G. Hays

Closing the Gap: Fostering Successful Research‐Practice Partnerships in Counselor Education, Danica G. Hays, Todd Bolin, and Ching-Chen Chen

Faculty Views on College Student Mental Health: Implications for Retention and Student Success, Michael T. Kalkbrenner, Amber L. Jolley, and Danica G. Hays

Collaborative Mental Health for Children- Perspectives and Practices for School-Clinic Partnerships, Patrice Leverett

Editors' Notes, Emily Lin, Le Ann Putney, Shaoan Zhang, Lesha Jackson, Katrina Liu, and Peter Wiens

A Multimedia Professional Development Process for Teacher Education and Professional Development, Wendy Rodgers, Victoria J. VanUitert, Michael J. Kennedy, John Elwood Romig, and Kat D. Alves

Submissions from 2018


Development and Cross-Cultural Validity of a Brief Measure of Separation-Individuation, Ching-Chen Chen, G. B. Richardson, M. H. C. Lai, C. L. Dai, and D. G. Hays


Lesson of Emotions in the Family: The Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Relation between Filial Piety and Life Satisfaction among Taiwanese College Students, Wei-Wen Chen, Jin Jin Yang, and Ching-Chen Chen

Review: Urban Preparation by Chezare A. Warren, Theodore Choddock and Stefani R. Relles

Native Mexican Parents’ Beliefs About Children’s Literacy and Language Development: A Mixed-Methods Study, Jorge E. Gonzalez, Alain Bengochea, Laura M. Justice, Gloria Yeomans-Maldonado, and Anita L. McCormick


The Nevada Teacher Workforce Report, Danica G. Hays, Matthew Borek, and Kim K. Metcalf

Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence: A Systems Approach, Danica G. Hays and Bradley T. Erford

Examining the effects of a professional development initiative on English learning and economically disadvantaged adolescents’ scores on a high-stakes science test, Julie J. Jackson, Margarita Huerta, Tiberio Garza, and Rose Narvaez

Advising and Mentoring in Counselor Education, Jared Lau, Kok-Mun Ng, and Gloria Crisp

Whiteness as Property in Science Teacher Education, Felicia Mensah and Iesha Jackson

Big Data Analytic Models: The Challenges of Philosophies as Covariates in Higher Education, Sean W. Mulvenon

Critical Incidents in School Counseling, Tarrell Awe Agage Portman, Chris Wood, and Heather J. Fye


The What, When, and How of Preservice Teachers and Literacy Across the Disciplines: A Systematic Literature Review of Nearly 50 Years of Research, Chyllis E. Scott, Erin M. McTigue, Diane M. Miller, and Erin Washburn


Scaffolded Academic Conversations: Access to 21st-Century Collaboration and Communication Skills, Tracy G. Spies and Yunying Xu

Submissions from 2017

Principal change in an existing charter school: What happens to mission, vision, and culture?, Dana L. Bickmore

School counselor competency and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth, Rebekah Byrd and Danica G. Hays

Hydration Status Influences the Measurement of Arterial Stiffness, Aaron R. Caldwell, Matthew A. Tucker, Jenna Burchfield, Nicole E. Moyen, Alf A. Satterfield, Ashley Six, Brendon P. McDermott, Sean W. Mulvenon, and Matthew S. Ganio

Walking a Thin Line: Exploring the tensions between composition curriculum and student' lives as digital writers, Fawn Canady, Chyllis E. Scott, and Troy Hicks

Education technology and distance supervision in counselor education, Robert Carlisle, Danica G. Hays, Shana Pribesh, and Christopher T. Wood


The Relationship between Population Growth and Standard-of-living Growth Over 1870–2013: Evidence from a Bootstrapped Panel Granger Causality Test, Tsangyao Chang, Hsiao-Ping Chu, Frederick W. Deale, Rangan Gupta, and Stephen M. Miller


Initial Development of the Teen Screen for Dating Violence: Exploratory Factor Analysis, Rasch Model, and Psychometric Data, Kelly Emelianchik-Key, Danica G. Hays, and Tara Hill

“It Takes a Village”: A Case Study of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Implementation in an Exemplary Urban Middle School, Emily Goodman-Scott, Danica G. Hays, and Blaire E. Cholewa

The Culturally Competent Counselor, Danica G. Hays and Amy L. McLeod

Racism and White Privilege, Danica G. Hays and Ann Shillingford-Butler


Stepping Outside the Normed Sample: Implications for Validity, Danica G. Hays and Chris Wood

The Effects of Sex and Race on Academic Alienation among Iranian Students, Hojjat Mahmoudi, Monica R. Brown, Javad Amani Saribagloo, and Zahra Jalilzadeh-Mohammadi

Performance in situ, Peter G. Schrader, Michael P. McCreery, and David B. Vallett

Beyond professional development: Factors influencing early childhood educators beliefs and practices working with dual language learners., Tracy Griffin Spies, Catherine D. Lyons, Margarita Huerta, Tiberio Garza, and Cristina L. Reding

Submissions from 2016


Predicting Turkish Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Orientations to Teaching Science with Epistemological Beliefs, Learning Conceptions, and Learning Approaches in Science, Elif Adibelli, Hasan Deniz, and M. S. Topçu


Examining Student Cognitive and Affective Engagement and Reading Instructional Activities: Spanish-Speaking English Learners’ Reading Profiles, Ana Taboada Barber, Melissa Gallagher, Peet Smith, Michelle M. Buehl, and Jori S. Beck


How Tablets Are Utilized In the Classroom, Christine Ditzler, Eunsook Hong, and Neal Strudler


A Delphi Study and Initial Validation of Counselor Supervision Competencies, Anita A. Neuer Colburn, Timothy Grothaus, Danica G. Hays, and Tammi Milliken


AARC Standards for Multicultural Research, Caroline O’Hara, Madeline Clark, Danica G. Hays, C. Peeper McDonald, Catherine Y. Chang, Stephanie A. Crockett, Joel Filmore, Tarrell Portman, Shawn Spurgeon, and Kelly L. Wester


In This Issue.., Pamela S. Salazar


In This Issue.., Pamela S. Salazar


Alternative Dissertation Formats: Preparing Scholars for the Academy and Beyond, Doris L. Watson and Kim Nehls

Submissions from 2015


The Influence of Supervisor Multicultural Competence on the Supervisory Working Alliance, Supervisee Counseling Self-Efficacy, and Supervisee Satisfaction With Supervision: A Mediation Model, Stephanie Crockett and Danica G. Hays


The Development and Validation of the Comprehensive Counseling Skills Rubric, Stephen V. Flynn and Danica G. Hays


Counseling With HEART: A Relationship Violence Prevention Program for College Students, Danica G. Hays, Rebecca E. Michel, Hannah B. Bayne, Anita A. Neuer Colburn, and Jayne Smith Myers


Violence, Abuse, and Trauma in Family Therapy, Danica G. Hays, Kevin C. Snow, and Cassandra G. Pusateri


Faculty Member Attitudes and Behaviors toward Male Counselors in Training: A Social Cognitive Career Theory Perspective, Rebecca E. Michel, Danica G. Hays, and Helen I. Runyan


Guiding Principles for Indigenous Research Practices, Kevin C. Snow, Danica G. Hays, Guia Caliwagan, David J. Ford, Davide Mariotti Jr, Joy Maweu Mwendwa, and Wendy E. Scott

Submissions from 2014

Assessment and career development in the schools: Constructs, design, and data analysis., Chris Wood and Robert M. Carlisle

Submissions from 2013

The Paradox of Increasing both Enrollment and Graduation Rates: Acknowledging Elephants in the Ivory Tower, Sean W. Mulvenon and Daniel H. Robinson