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Asphalt pavement is a combination of materials that are typically used in the construction of roads, highways, airports, parking lots, etc. Asphalt pavement consists of asphalt binder, mineral filler, and a mixture of aggregates such as crushed rocks, sand, slags, and gravel. These components are produced with a great deal of energy which results in significant CO2 emissions. In this study, the viscosity of virgin and reclaimed asphalt binders, as well as reclaimed asphalt binders and virgin asphalt binders’ mixtures, are examined according to the testing protocol and specifications of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Results from this study will allow reclaimed asphalt to be used in asphalt mixtures to the greatest extent possible. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions directly increase as asphalt production grows. As a result of studying the effects, we will be able to increase the proportion of reclaimed asphalt pavement used in new asphalt pavement mixtures, which in turn will decrease the yearly CO2 emissions.
To maximize asphalt pavement's strength and resistance, it is crucial to maintain its viscosity, since asphalt binder is responsible for holding aggregate together. We found that the viscosity of the mixtures containing 5 to 30% reclaimed asphalt binder decreased linearly as the percentage of reclaimed asphalt binder increased. Despite this, specimens with 30 to 50% reclaimed asphalt binder show an increasing viscosity as the amount of reclaimed asphalt binder increases. Accordingly, reclaimed asphalt should account for approximately 5-30% of the total mix of asphalt.
Publication Date
Fall 11-15-2021
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement; Reclaimed Asphalt Binder; Virgin Asphalt Binder; Viscosity Test
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176 KB
Recommended Citation
Alahdal, Abdulrahman and Karakouzian, Moses Ph.D., "Effects of Recycled Asphalt Binder on the Viscosity of Recycled Binder and Mixtures" (2021). Undergraduate Research Symposium Lightning Talks. 8.
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Faculty Mentor: Moses Karakouzian, Ph.D.