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The meta-mood experience involves "thinking about mood, examining the relation between mood and thoughts, maintaining good moods, and altering bad moods" (Mayer & Gaschke, 1988). Meta-mood can help individuals have a better grasp of what they are feeling at different times.

The 30-item Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS; Salovey et al., 1995) measures the extent to which people attend to, distinguish among, and regulate their mood and emotions.

Salovey et al. (1995) found three factors (Emotional Attention, Clarity, and Repair), while Palmer et al. (2003) found evidence for a fourth but left it unnamed.

We named the fourth factor in our study Emotional Susceptibility because this factor looks at how easily influenced the participants are in regard to their mood and emotions.

Censoring occurs when the value of a variable is only partially known (Gijbels, 2010). If there are a significant number of people that are scoring 1 on an item, there could be left-censoring. This is because low scores on the item fail to reflect low levels of the dimension that is being measured.

Our study aimed to determine whether the one-factor, three-factor, or four-factor models fits the data the best when we assumed that participants may have censored values on some of the TMMS items.

Publication Date

Spring 4-27-2022




Psychology; Mood (Psychology)


Psychiatry and Psychology

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File Size

500 KB


Faculty Mentor: Kimberly A. Barchard


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The Meta-Mood Experience: Exploring the One-, Three-, and Four-Factor Models of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale
