Analysis of the Effects of Retrofitting Low Impact Developments on Urban Runoff and Pollutant Load

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2020


American Society of Civil Engineers

Publisher Location

Henderson, NV

First page number:


Last page number:



This study analyzes the effects and financial viability of retrofitting the low impact developments on runoff and pollutant loads for different land use. A105-acre area in the city of North Miami was considered for study. Two priority pollutants, total suspended solids (TSS) and total Kleijdal nitrogen (TKN), were analyzed. Three scenarios were created including pre-developed, developed, and developed areas with low impact development (LID) retrofit. The study was conducted using the storm water management model (SWMM) and national storm water calculator. Design storms of six, 12, and 24-hour rainfall events for 25, 50, and 100-year return periods were considered. Reduction in pollutant load, due to LID, was more than 10%. Proposed LIDs were not successful in completely matching the runoff rate of Scenario 1. Additionally, LIDs proved to be less financially viable, since the capital and maintenance costs came out to be $12 million USD and $17,000 USD, respectively.


Environmental Engineering | Water Resource Management



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