Timings of Accomplishments for Facility Design Standardization Critical Success Factors in Capital Projects
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Conference Proceeding
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Construction Research Congress 2020: Project Management and Controls, Materials, and Contracts - Selected Papers from the Construction Research Congress 2020
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© 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers. The researchers have adopted 15 standardization critical success factors (CSFs) from Construction Industry Institute (CII) to help the industry achieve higher levels of facility standardization. This study collects and analyzes information on the timing of accomplishments of 43 case projects from eight case programs for each CSF. Accomplishment of critical success factors on recommended time/phase in any project (timely accomplishment) helps achieve higher levels of standardization, and therefore helps reap considerable standardization benefits. Therefore, the goal of the study is to identify the CSFs that are accomplished on time as well as those that are delayed in relation to the CII recommended timings. The results of this study show that the timeliest (accomplished on CII recommended timing) CSFs, in terms of accomplishment timings, are discipline to maintain standardization, recognition of risk of standardization, define standardization approach, constructability of standardization, and supply chain development. Furthermore, this study also finds that the most delayed (not accomplished on CII recommended timing) CSFs, in terms of accomplishment timings, are standardization early identification, alignment and approval, benefits and tradeoffs recognition/evaluation, feasibility analysis of standardization, and applied knowledge. Industrial sectors should give attention to these delayed CSFs. It is important for the industrial sector to focus on CSFs that are not being accomplished on time. The researchers believe that if the industry accomplishes these CSFs in timely fashion, it will be able to achieve higher levels of standardization and improve agility, predictability, and cost effectiveness. Herein lies the contribution of this study. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of CSFs accomplishment in capital projects and support industry in achieving higher levels of standardization, as well as improve agility, predictability, and cost effectiveness. The researchers believe that if the industry accomplishes these CSFs earlier, it will be able to achieve higher levels of standardization and improve agility, predictability, and cost effectiveness.
Critical success factors (CSFs); Facility design standardization; Industrial projects; Project planning; Timings of accomplishments (TA)
Construction Engineering and Management
Repository Citation
Shrestha, B.,
Choi, J.,
Kwak, Y.,
Shane, J.
Timings of Accomplishments for Facility Design Standardization Critical Success Factors in Capital Projects.
Construction Research Congress 2020: Project Management and Controls, Materials, and Contracts - Selected Papers from the Construction Research Congress 2020