
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Start Date

16-4-2011 2:00 PM

End Date

16-4-2011 3:30 PM


This presentation shows the standing ethical questions in the aspect of gamete donation, analyzes them, and contrasts them. This article primarily focuses on whether it is ethical to pay a donor for their gametes (sperm or egg). Within this presentation, we question whether donation should be purely altruistic and not motivated by incentives.


Donation of organs; tissues; etc – Moral and ethical aspects; Gametes; Ovum donors


Bioethics and Medical Ethics | Ethics and Political Philosophy | Science and Technology Policy | Social Policy




Apr 16th, 2:00 PM Apr 16th, 3:30 PM

Ethics of paid gamete donation

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

This presentation shows the standing ethical questions in the aspect of gamete donation, analyzes them, and contrasts them. This article primarily focuses on whether it is ethical to pay a donor for their gametes (sperm or egg). Within this presentation, we question whether donation should be purely altruistic and not motivated by incentives.