Between Narrative Intent and Political Correctness: Negotiating Fairytales for the 21st Century

Presenter Information

Paula Martínez AlonsoFollow

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In order to respond to current ethical and ideological concerns, traditional fairy tales have undergone a variety of adaptations, which have in turn irremediably altered their narrative integrity. As we attempt to modify past narrative universes to make them more palatable for today’s audiences, we also alter their original intent as well as their semiotic content, which naturally prompts a series of questions regarding both narrative coherence and intentions. Through the analysis of three highly popular fairy tales and their subsequent adaptations, I will attempt to point out the shortcomings of this moral negotiation, which tends to bypass the original semiotic content of canonical fairy tales to privilege strictly moral concerns.


Fairytales, political correctness, narrative adaptations, ethics.


Thank you for your interest in my work.

- Paula.



Between Narrative Intent and Political Correctness: Negotiating Fairytales for the 21st Century

In order to respond to current ethical and ideological concerns, traditional fairy tales have undergone a variety of adaptations, which have in turn irremediably altered their narrative integrity. As we attempt to modify past narrative universes to make them more palatable for today’s audiences, we also alter their original intent as well as their semiotic content, which naturally prompts a series of questions regarding both narrative coherence and intentions. Through the analysis of three highly popular fairy tales and their subsequent adaptations, I will attempt to point out the shortcomings of this moral negotiation, which tends to bypass the original semiotic content of canonical fairy tales to privilege strictly moral concerns.