Digital Scholarship@UNLV - International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking: B.O.O.M.- There it is! Betting On Our Merchants and Other Innovations from CA Betting On Our Future and the CA Office of Problem Gambling Programs

B.O.O.M.- There it is! Betting On Our Merchants and Other Innovations from CA Betting On Our Future and the CA Office of Problem Gambling Programs

Session Title

Session 1-2-B: Harm Prevention and Youth

Presentation Type



Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

Start Date

28-5-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

28-5-2019 12:25 PM


Broadcast and Video Studies | Communication Technology and New Media | Health Communication | Other Psychology | Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Other Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion



Betting On Our Merchants (BOOM) is the latest addition to the Betting On Our Future (BOOF) problem gambling prevention program as part of the statewide efforts of the CA Office of Problem Gambling (OPG).

The BOOF program is grounded in evidence-based youth development framework. Youth gain valuable skills as they deploy their creativity, enthusiasm and technological media expertise to address problem gambling prevention. OPG has incorporated the work of young people into their public awareness campaigns.

Young people across California are researching the extent of problem gambling in their community and coming up with strategies to educate and shift social norms through an array of media tools. One of the strategies youth are implementing is working with local lottery retailers to help them not sell to minors and educate adults about not giving lottery tickets/scratchers to minors.

This presentation draws you into the magic young people create when they take on an issue in partnership with adult allies. You will see the results of their research and how they use social marketing principles to get their message across.


Youth involvement in problem gambling awareness and prevention creates amazing positive youth development opportunities and can engage local gaming retailers in being even better members of the community. Media messaging can help shape social norms and evaluations show how the program impacts participants and their messages increase calls for help!


Youth, Gambling Prevention, Positive Youth Development, Environmental Prevention, Social norms, Public Awarensee

Author Bios

Dr. Jim Kooler

Administrator for the California Friday Night Live Partnership, Dr. Kooler provides leadership and support to 50 county Friday Night Live programs. He also leads the California Center for Youth Development and Health Promotion. From his office at the Tulare County Office of Education, with support from the California Department of Health Care Services, and the Office of Problem Gambling, he leads the implementation of positive youth development program including the Betting On Our Future program.

Terri Sue Canale-Dalman

Ms. Canale-Dalman, Assistant Deputy Director CA Dept. of Public Health developed and implemented the first state-funded problem gambling treatment services program, which has become the largest in the US. The Office of Problem Gambling, under her direction, focuses on providing multi-cultural, multi-lingual problem gambling prevention and treatment services. An active member of the California and National Council’s on Problem Gambling since 2003, she received the 2018 Don Hulen Award for Advocacy from the National Council!

Funding Sources

Funding provided by Office of Problem Gambling with resources from the Tribal Casinos Compacts with the State of California.

Competing Interests

Major funding for the program is from the Office of Problem Gambling. Additional funding for the year end conference was provided the CA State Lottery and in 2017 $20k provided by card rooms in Southern California.


This presentation will demonstrate the practical application of youth development and youth engagement in problem gambling awareness campaigns and the unintended benefits of the program.


May 28th, 11:00 AM May 28th, 12:25 PM

B.O.O.M.- There it is! Betting On Our Merchants and Other Innovations from CA Betting On Our Future and the CA Office of Problem Gambling Programs

Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada


Betting On Our Merchants (BOOM) is the latest addition to the Betting On Our Future (BOOF) problem gambling prevention program as part of the statewide efforts of the CA Office of Problem Gambling (OPG).

The BOOF program is grounded in evidence-based youth development framework. Youth gain valuable skills as they deploy their creativity, enthusiasm and technological media expertise to address problem gambling prevention. OPG has incorporated the work of young people into their public awareness campaigns.

Young people across California are researching the extent of problem gambling in their community and coming up with strategies to educate and shift social norms through an array of media tools. One of the strategies youth are implementing is working with local lottery retailers to help them not sell to minors and educate adults about not giving lottery tickets/scratchers to minors.

This presentation draws you into the magic young people create when they take on an issue in partnership with adult allies. You will see the results of their research and how they use social marketing principles to get their message across.


Youth involvement in problem gambling awareness and prevention creates amazing positive youth development opportunities and can engage local gaming retailers in being even better members of the community. Media messaging can help shape social norms and evaluations show how the program impacts participants and their messages increase calls for help!