Digital Scholarship@UNLV - International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking: Gamblers Help Southern Venue Support and the Southern Responsible Gambling Network Initiative

Gamblers Help Southern Venue Support and the Southern Responsible Gambling Network Initiative

Session Title

Session 1-2-A: Identifying and Assisting Problem Gamblers


Guy KumashevFollow

Presentation Type



Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

Start Date

28-5-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

28-5-2019 12:25 PM


Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics | Education Policy | Gaming and Casino Operations Management | Health Policy | Hospitality Administration and Management | Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation | Politics and Social Change | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration


Victoria is the only state in Australia that provides a professional training support service for every Electronic Gaming Machine venue. This program has been designed to assist in the implementation of responsible gambling practices, to increase awareness, knowledge and the benefits of engagement in the program.

Venue Support is an innovative program funded by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, managed by Gamblers Help Southern in East Bentleigh, Melbourne. Key benefits of the Southern Responsible Gambling Network initiative are enhanced training and development of gaming venue best practices. The creation of an informed and unified gaming venue workforce, concentrated within a geographical area provides rich researchable data to drive targeted responses to gaming venue needs and responsibilities.

Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct in Victoria outline that employees in gaming venues have responsibilities to identify and respond to patrons showing signs of distress which may be related to problem gambling.

The Venue Support program operates as a free service and is delivered to all venue employees by mutual agreement with the venue management, including module size and duration that are intentionally developed to ensure the transference of key messaging is achieved. Subsequent training is facilitated after completion and evaluation of the training needs analysis.

All training and support is surveyed and presented to the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation for evaluation. Venue support has been integrated into the gaming industry by operating on a harm minimisation philosophy in a non-judgmental and professional manner.


Gambling Harm Minimisation, Venue Support, EGM/Slot Machine legislation, Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct, Responsible Service of Gaming, Gamblers Help Southern.

Author Bios

Mr Guy Kumashev

Gamblers Help Southern Venue Support, Melbourne Australia.

Spanning 25 years, my gaming knowledge and expertise originates in a career beginning at Melbourne’s Crown Casino in various operational roles through to my current position of providing Venue Support at Gamblers Help Southern. My current core role is training and education around the Victorian legislation of the Responsible Service of Gaming.

I will be presenting world first initiatives developed by the Venue Support team at Gamblers Help Southern including the Southern Responsible Gambling Network model at the 28th Annual Conference at the National Association for Gambling Studies Inc. in Brisbane, Australia in November 2018.

Funding Sources

Program funded by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.

Competing Interests



This submission can be adapted to be presented as an individual paper presentation or a lightning talk.


May 28th, 11:00 AM May 28th, 12:25 PM

Gamblers Help Southern Venue Support and the Southern Responsible Gambling Network Initiative

Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

Victoria is the only state in Australia that provides a professional training support service for every Electronic Gaming Machine venue. This program has been designed to assist in the implementation of responsible gambling practices, to increase awareness, knowledge and the benefits of engagement in the program.

Venue Support is an innovative program funded by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, managed by Gamblers Help Southern in East Bentleigh, Melbourne. Key benefits of the Southern Responsible Gambling Network initiative are enhanced training and development of gaming venue best practices. The creation of an informed and unified gaming venue workforce, concentrated within a geographical area provides rich researchable data to drive targeted responses to gaming venue needs and responsibilities.

Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct in Victoria outline that employees in gaming venues have responsibilities to identify and respond to patrons showing signs of distress which may be related to problem gambling.

The Venue Support program operates as a free service and is delivered to all venue employees by mutual agreement with the venue management, including module size and duration that are intentionally developed to ensure the transference of key messaging is achieved. Subsequent training is facilitated after completion and evaluation of the training needs analysis.

All training and support is surveyed and presented to the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation for evaluation. Venue support has been integrated into the gaming industry by operating on a harm minimisation philosophy in a non-judgmental and professional manner.