Digital Scholarship@UNLV - International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking: Current Problem Gambling Countermeasures and Responsible Gaming Dissemination Issues in Japan

Session Title

Session 1-2-F: Global Capitals: Special Topics in the Burgeoning Japanese Market

Presentation Type



Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

Start Date

28-5-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

28-5-2019 12:25 PM


Gaming and Casino Operations Management


Activities such as pachinko, pachi-slot and public sports race betting make up Japan’s unique gambling culture. When the “the Gambling Addiction Countermeasures Act” and “the Integrated Resort (IR) Development Act” were passed by the Japanese Diet in July 2018, gambling in Japan has begun the move to a new stage. In preparation of IR developments, there will be measures enacted at the national government level on problem gambling from existing activities, and discussions have started on how to prevent the negative influence created from casinos in the IRs. The problem gaming countermeasures which just started in Japan face many issues in order to catch up with those already established at the global level. In this session, the current problem gambling countermeasures are introduced, and issues facing future countermeasures in problem gambling and the dissemination of responsible gaming are explained.


Japan, pachinko, pachi-slot, public sports race betting, Integrated Resort (IR)

Author Bios

Dr. Nishimura is a psychiatrist and the Representative Director of Recovery Support Network, a nonprofit organization offering telephone consultation to those affected by problem gambling in pachinko and pachi-slot. He is a member of the Osaka City/Prefecture Gambling Addiction Countermeasure Research Committee and the Hokkaido IR Development Expert Committee. He was invited by the House of Representatives Committee on Cabinet and the House of Councillors Committee on Cabinet as the expert witness for the Government during the deliberation of the Gambling Addiction Countermeasures Bill.

In 2017, Dr. Nishimura founded RCPG (Resourceful Center of Problem Gambling) which focused on problem gambling issues, and in 2018 he founded and became the Representative Director of JSRG (Japan Sustainable Responsible Gaming Council) which aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the society by suppressing and solving gambling addiction problems through expanding the responsible gaming activities of RCPG.


This is the second submission made by the author for the International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking. We would like to withdraw the first submission after a discussion with a presenter from Japan from a previous conference.


May 28th, 11:00 AM May 28th, 12:25 PM

Current Problem Gambling Countermeasures and Responsible Gaming Dissemination Issues in Japan

Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

Activities such as pachinko, pachi-slot and public sports race betting make up Japan’s unique gambling culture. When the “the Gambling Addiction Countermeasures Act” and “the Integrated Resort (IR) Development Act” were passed by the Japanese Diet in July 2018, gambling in Japan has begun the move to a new stage. In preparation of IR developments, there will be measures enacted at the national government level on problem gambling from existing activities, and discussions have started on how to prevent the negative influence created from casinos in the IRs. The problem gaming countermeasures which just started in Japan face many issues in order to catch up with those already established at the global level. In this session, the current problem gambling countermeasures are introduced, and issues facing future countermeasures in problem gambling and the dissemination of responsible gaming are explained.