High temperature calcium isotope geochemistry in progress and double spike technique

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Earth Science Frontiers





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With the development of mass spectrometers and analytical advances, Ca isotopic analytical precision has been greatly improved. Many research papers focused on Ca isotopic fractionation under high temperature were published. That rational use of double spike technique plays a key role in the analysis of Ca isotopes. Based on previous studies, we compile a program for Ca double spike data reduction algorithm. We also summarize the research progress on high temperature Ca isotopic fractionation including Ca isotopic fractionation between mineral pairs, Ca isotopic heterogeneity of meteorites and of the mantle, nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies and K-Ca dating. Orthopyroxene and olivine enrich heavier Ca isotopes than co-clinopyroxene. Δ44/40CaOpx-Cpx is influenced by Ca content and thus by Ca-O bond length in the orthopyroxene. These demonstrates that Ca isotopic composition of the mantle is heterogeneous. Meteorites and their refractory inclusions exhibit a wide range in Ca isotopic composition and widely exist εCa anomaly. Enstatite chondrites and Earth have similar Ca isotopic composition, which indicates that they may have the same origin. However, research on high temperature Ca isotopic fractionation is still at its early stage. Future research involves Ca isotopic composition in Earth's building blocks, Ca isotopic fractionation during magma differentiation (partial melting and fractional crystallization) and oceanic crust subduction. © 2017, Editorial Office of Earth Science Frontiers. All right reserved.



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