New Evidence supporting probable earthquake nucleation site along the central Maynard Lake fault within the left-lateral Pahranagat shear zone, Nevada, USA
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Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
The eastern part of the rift segment boundary zone between the Northern (NBR) and Central Basin and Range (CBR) sub-provinces consists of the Miocene-Quaternary left-lateral Pahranagat shear zone/fault system (PSZ) on the SW and the Caliente-Enterprise zone on the NE. Delineation of the style and timing of deformation, and kinematics within this boundary zone is essential to understanding the development of the Basin and Range. Here, we focus on the PSZ, specifically the Maynard Lake fault (MLF), the southern of three major left-lateral faults in this zone that lies about 115 km N of Las Vegas, Nevada. Published maps suggest that Miocene-Quaternary activity occurred along the MLF. Evidence for Quaternary motion includes geodetic data and seismic epicenters. New 1:12,000 scale mapping of the central MLF reveals a NE-striking, left-lateral transfer fault zone between two distinct normal fault sets to the north and south. These distinct fault sets are made up of steeply dipping, primarily N-S-striking normal faults that cut Miocene rocks, but differ in distribution and number of faults.
Repository Citation
Peck, A.,
Taylor, W. J.
New Evidence supporting probable earthquake nucleation site along the central Maynard Lake fault within the left-lateral Pahranagat shear zone, Nevada, USA.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 49(6),