UNLV Healthcare Administration & Policy Department Faculty Publications | Health Care Administration and Policy | University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV Department of Healthcare Administration & Policy. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.


Submissions from 2020

Hospitalists, Two Decades Later: Which US Hospitals Utilize Them?, Josue Patien Epane, Robert Weech-Maldonado, Larry R. Hearld, Bisakha Sen, Stephen J. O'Connor, and Luceta McRoy


Mathematical Model of ATM Activation and Chromatin Relaxation by Ionizing Radiation, Yongfeng Li and Francis A. Cucinotta

Environmental and Organizational Factors Associated with Hospital Use of GPO Services, William Opuku-Agyeman, Robert Weech-Maldonado, Soumya Upadhyay, Nitish Patidar, and Chris Opuku-Agyeman

Clinicians’ Lived Experiences on Impact of Electronic Health Records (EHR) on Quality and Safety, Soumya Upadhyay and Han-fen Hu

Submissions from 2019

Consumer Use of Provider Quality Report Cards: The Role of Dissemination and Media Coverage, Neeraj Bhandari, Dennis Scanlon, Yunfeng Shi, and Rachel A. Smith

Do Medicare and Medicaid Payer-Mix Change After the Privatization of Public Hospitals?, Zo Ramamonjiarivelo, Robert Weech-Maldonado, Luceta McRoy, Josue Patien Epane, Ferhat D. Zengul, and Larry Hearld

Hospital Cultural Competency and Attributes of Patient Safety Culture: A Study of US Hospitals, Soumya Upadhyay and Christopher Cochran

Health-Information Seeking and Intention to Quit Smoking: Do Health Beliefs Have a Mediating Role?, Soumya Upadhyay, Justin Lord, and Maxim Gakh

Hospital Staffing Patterns and Safety Culture Perceptions: The Mediating Role of Perceived Teamwork and Perceived Handoffs, Soumya Upadhyay, Robert Weech-Maldonado, Christy H. Lemak, Amber L. Stephenson, and Dean G. Smith

Submissions from 2017

The Importance of An Alternative Approach to Measuring Quality in a Volume to Value World: A Case Study of Diabetes Care, Betty J. Burston, L. J. Coombs, and D. Liu


Blueprint for sustainable change in diversity management and cultural competence: Lessons from the National Center for Healthcare Leadership diversity demonstration project, J L. Dreachslin, R Weech Maldonado, L R. Jordan, J Gail, J P. Epane, and J A. Wainio

Hospitals’ use of Hospitalists: Implications for Financial Performance, Josué Patien Epané, Robert Weech-Maldonado, Larry Hearld, Nir Menachemi, Bisakha Sen, Stephen O’Connor, and Zo Ramamonjiarivelo


Cost-Effective but Unaffordable and Unequal Hepatitis C Treatment in the US, X Liu, J J. Shen, J L. Lee, and J W. Yoo


Association of medication errors with drug classifications, clinical units, and consequence of errors: Are they related?, M Muroi, J J. Shen, and A Angosta

Privatization of Public Hospitals and its Impact on Community Orientation, Zo Harivololona Ramamonjiarivelo, Larry R. Hearld, Josue Patien Epane, Luceta McRoy, and Robert Weech-Maldonado

Safety Culture’s Influence on Hospital Performance: The Moderating Role of EHR, Soumya Upadhyay

An environmental analysis of the evolution of readmission reduction strategies: A study of United States hospitals, Soumya Upadhyay, William Agyeman, and Nancy Borkowski

Submissions from 2016


Teaching STEM as a second language: Utilizing SLA to develop equitable learning for all students, S Collier, Betty Burston, and A Rhodes


The Role of Social Media as a Source of Information on Nursing Home Care Decision Making, D Liu, C J. Lu, and Betty Burston


Country of Birth and Variations in Asthma and Wheezing Prevalence, and Emergency Department Utilization in Children: A NHANES Study, L McRoy, Z Ramamonjiarivelo, Josue Epane, M Powers, J Xu, R Weech-Maldonado, and G Rust


Direct release of test results to patients increases patient engagement and utilization of care, F Pillemer, R A. Price, S Paone, G D. Martich, S Albert, L Haidari, G Updike, R Rudin, Darren Liu, and A Mehrotra


What’s sex got to do with it? The preparation of elementary male teacher candidates, S Stewart, L Coombs, and Betty Burston


Unemployment Rate, Smoking in China: Are They Related?, Qing Wang, Jay J. Shen, and Chris Cochran

Submissions from 2015


Hospitalists as a Staffing Innovation: Does it Impact Hospital Efficiency, Josue P. Epane and Robert Weech-Maldonado


Hiring internationally educated nurses in hospitals: role of competition and resource availability, Shivani Gupta, Josue P. Epane, and Robert Weech-Maldonado


An Evaluation of Web-Based Nursing Home Finders, Darren Liu and Chi-Jung Lu


Patient Care Outcomes and Temporary Nurses, Olena Mazurenko, Darren Liu, and Cheryl Perna


Level of EHR Adoption and Quality and Cost of Care – Evidence from Vascular Conditions and Procedures, Jay J. Shen, Christopher R. Cochran, Scott Neish, Charles B. Moseley, and Robin Mukalian


EHR Adoption and Cost of Care: Evidence from Patient Safety Indicators, Jay J. Shen, Josue Epane, Robert Weech-Maldonado, Guogen Shan, and Lisa Liu


Comparing Medication Error Incidents Among Foreign-Educated Nurses and U.S.-Educated Nurses, Jay J. Shen, Scott Neishi, Susan VanBeuge, Margaret Covelli, Susan Adamek, Janet Gallegos, and Michelle Ricca Gardener

Submissions from 2014


Visibility and Findability of the Nursing Home Compare Website, Darren Liu and Chi-Jung Lu