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This collection contains graduate student theses and dissertations from the UNLV Department of Hospitality. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV theses and dissertations across all programs, visit the UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones collection.
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Exploring Mystery Shopping's Perceived Impacts on Integrated Resort Employees and Managers, Yoonju Chung
An Examination of the Role of Online Reviews for Niche Restaurant Segments: Casino Buffet Restaurants, Tevfik Demirciftci
Prosocial Rule-Breaking to Help Customers Among Hospitality Employees, Ankita Ghosh
Exploring the Airline Passengers’ Preferences of Inflight Foods, Eun Min Hwang
How Consumers Assess Multiple Cues: The Role of Dual Processing System on Hotel Booking Decisions, Eun Joo Kim
Consumers, Critics & Chromatography: An Analysis of 100-Point Wines, Gina Marano
Shattering the Glass: Will Gen Z Bring Us Closer to Gender Equality in US Hospitality Leadership?, Denise Holly Ramirez Molintas
A Nomological Network Analysis of Innovation in Hospitality Education and Industry, Robert H. Rippee
The Short and Long-Term Effectiveness of Online Sales Promotion Type and Fit in Hotels, Esra Topcuoglu
Organizational Symbolism and Employee Immersion, a Mixed Methods Investigation of Organizational Socialization Efficacy in the Hotel Industry, Jeffrey Michael Yedlin
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Meal Duration: Implications for Restaurant Revenue Management, Dale F. Billings
The Impact of Virtual Presence on Willingness to Book: The Moderating Role of Self-Construal and Gender, Sung Jun Joe
Examining the Role of Business Intelligence and Analytics in Hospitality Revenue Management, Anna I. Kharitonova
Mental Accounting and Unplanned Purchases in Online Booking: The Role of Discount, Impulse Buying, and Thinking Style, Esther L. Kim
The Effect of the Minimum Server Wage on Restaurant Guest Tipping Behavior and Perceptions, Jason Tang
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Managing Data-Driven Change: A Model of Unintended Deviation, Sang-Mun Ray Cho
Influencing Hawai‘i Hotel Patrons to Use Reef-Safe Sunscreens, Rochelle Good
A Cross-cultural Investigation of the Relationship between Customer Demographics and Hotel Room Price Perception, Jinhua Hong
Social Media Influencer Endorsement and Events: An Integrated Framework of Congruence, Jie Sun
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Price Prediction: Determining Changes in Stock Pricing through Sentiment Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews, Daryl F. Boykin
Examining the Decoy and the Phantom Decoy Effects on the Menu Item Choice, Yang-Su Chen
The Impact of Supportive Parenting on Career Confidence of Young Adults, Salma Ettefagh
Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions of Cruises in China, Wenjia Han
Influence of Sustainability Reward Program on Meeting Planners’ Site Selection Decision and Perceived Value-for-Money, Shinyong (shawn) Jung
Impact of Ingredient Branding on the Hotel Brand: Spillover Effect of Branded Amenities, Eun Joo Kim
Esports Enthusiasts and Gamers: Motivations, Behaviors, and Attitudes Towards Gambling, John Lukasik
The Effects of Availability Heuristic Cues on Restaurant Purchase Decisions, Nadia Hanin Nazlan
Value Co-Creation Propositions: A Self-Determination Theory of Customer Acceptance, Trust and Wellbeing, Lenna V. Shulga
Understanding Transitions of Trust across Different Business Contexts: An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Study, Sungsik Yoon
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Effects of Source and Content on Types of Social Influence in Online Traveler Reviews, Laura A. Book
Connection or Competence: Emotional Labor Versus Service Quality as Antecedents to Customer Loyalty, Andrew Moreo
Investigating How Restaurant Week's Price Promotion Affects Diners' Online Perceptions, Jian Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Six Feet from Fame: Exploring Dark Tourism Motivation at Marilyn Monroe's Grave, Surjeet Baidwan
Understanding the Experience of Medicare Advantage Patients in a Health Maintenance Organization, Curtis E. Boldman
Exploring the Relationship Between Revenue Management and Hotel Loyalty Programs, Melissa Elizabeth Buckley
Examining the factors that impact work life balance for executive chefs, Lisa Nicole Cain
The Influence of Tier Level of Hotel Loyalty Programs on Guest Perceptions and Tolerance for Service Quality, Eunjin Choi
Perceptions toward the Value of Higher Education for Hotel Professionals in Las Vegas: A Case Study, Gary Lee Deel
The Effect of Florida’s Timeshare Resale Accountability Act and Securitization Announcements on Vacation Ownership Shareholder Wealth, James R. Drake, Iii
An Examination of U.S. restaurant firms' internationalization in a risk context, Soyeon Jung
The Impacts of a Smoking Ban on Gaming Volume and Customers' Satisfaction in the Casino Industry in South Korea, Sojeong Lee
Evaluating Event Effectiveness Across Alternate Platforms, Kristin Marie Malek
Patient Service Quality and Health Maintenance Organizations: Not an Oxymoron, Jessica Mcbeath
Impact of Menu Designs and Personal Dietary Behaviors on Young Millennials' Restaurant Menu Choices, Yuan Tian
Developing a Parasocial Relationship with Hotel Brands on Facebook: Will Millennials Differ from GenXers?, Yun Ying Zhong
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Table Games Revenue Management: A Bayesian Approach, Daryl F. Boykin
Work and Home-Life Balance: A Comparative Study of Hotel Employee Satisfaction in the West and Midwest, Amanda Connick
Golf Tourists at Two Courses in Las Vegas: A Demographic Profile, Brian Milford Jones
A Model of Hospitality Employee Engagement, Hee Jung Kang
Integrated Casino Resort Plan in Korea: The Perception of Korean Government Representatives, Donghwa Lee
The Hotel College First Year Experience at UNLV: Does it Make a Difference?, Jill Plumer
Factors Influencing the Perceived Impacts of Medical Tourism Development on Quality of Life, Courtney Suess
Chinese Outbound Tourists Food Consumption in the U.S.: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior, Kaiyang Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Mapping the Online Gambling E-Servicescape: Impact of Virtual Atmospherics on the Gambler's Experience, Brett Lillian Levine Abarbanel
How We Complain: The Effect of Personality on Consumer Complaint Channels, Riley Allen Berry
Motives for Different Types of Medical Travelers: An Analysis of the Current State of Academic Research on the Topic, Dan B. Cormany
The Impact of Anti-BYOD Policies on Generation Z Hospitality Employee's Engagement, Danny Crinson
The effectiveness of various green print advertising strategies for budget and luxury hotel segments, Safak Sahin
Assessing Revenue Managers' Level of Trust in Information Systems: An Exploratory Study of Las Vegas Casino Resorts, Landon Taylor Shores
The Impact of Airport Service Quality Dimension on Overall Airport Experience and Impression, Redha Widarsyah
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Impact of the 2003 Illinois Gaming Tax Rate Increase on Marketing Spending and Cross-State Substitution, Mikael Bengt Ahlgren
Self-image congruence with communication channels and its impact on reward program loyalty, Orie Berezan
Mega-renters: Who are they and how do they operate?, Stefan William Cosentino
From fandom to tourism: An examination of self-~expansion theory, So Jung Lee
The Marketing Effectiveness of Hotel Facebook Pages: From Perspectives of Customers and Messages, Xi Yu Leung
Evaluating the Impact of a New Casino Loyalty Program on Gaming Volume, Ji Hye Min
The effect of casino tax policy on short-run gaming development, Kahlil Philander
Restaurant Service Employees Organizational Commitment: Shared Gratuity versus Independent Gratuity Environments, Susan J. Roe
The Non-Gaming Business of the Gaming Industry: Evaluating the Contribution of Non-Gaming Amenities at a Casino-Resort Property, Elena Shampaner-Ghiassi
Room Service Principles and Practices: An Exploratory Study, Stanley Douglas Suboleski
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
What is mission critical in the hotel guest room: Examining in-room guest empowerment technologies, Pelin Nasoz
Adjusting payroll with changes in business volumes: An examination of Nevada gaming properties, Toni A. Repetti
Credit Fluctuations and Lodging Firms: An Investigation of the Differing Capital Structures in the US Lodging Industry, Dipendra Singh
Examining revenue management practices in Las Vegas casino resorts, Arun Tanpanuwat
Financial performance and capacity analysis for the MICE industry in Las Vegas and the United States, Li-Ting Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Management research in the hospitality and tourism industry, Xu Cheng
Structural model of effects of cultural factors on escalation of commitment through antecedents, agency, and negative framing effects, Woo-Sik Danny Choi
An Analysis of restaurant food safety violations: human factors, non-human factors, and food-borne illness, Jai Choung
Critical success factors in barbecue restaurants: Do operators and patrons agree?, John Raymond Farrish
A Mathematical approach for optimizing the casino slot floor: A linear programming application, Kasra Christopher Ghaharian
Illegal substance abuse in the full-service restaurant industry: An evaluation of pre-employment drug-testing, Miranda Kitterlin
Impact of hotel discount strategies on consumers’ emotion and behavior in the presence of high and low involvement consumers, Seung H. Lee
Estimating the future growth potential of Kangwon Land casino, Yunekyong Lee
Outcomes associated with a UNLV outdoor adventures' women's wilderness canoe trip, Joanna Leigh Libby
The Physical activity patterns and constraints of diverse female college students, Kathleen Victoria Minkel
A Study on eco-friendly merchandise in a resort retail environment, Lindsey C. Patrick
Room rate parity: A 2010 study of U.S. booking channels, Neven Sipic
An Analysis of supervisor’s gender and subordinate employees’ job satisfaction within the casino-entertainment industry, Nicholas J. Thomas
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Estimating the indirect contribution of sports books: Sports wagering as a driver of other in-house revenues, Brett L.L. Abarbanel
The GED and alternative learning center diploma as a factor in post-secondary persistence and success, Michael C. Autenrieth
The relationship between benefit satisfaction and intent to leave: A study of finance departments in Las Vegas, Jung-in Bae
Taiwanese gambling behaviors, perceptions, and attitudes, Che Hao Chang
Perspectives on timeshare ownership: An exploratory study of markets in China, Kai-Li Chi
The Efficacy of fragrance use for enhancing the slot machine gaming experience of casino patrons, Gael D. Hancock
Leadership Skills and Challenges in Hospitality Management Education, Valentini Kalargyrou