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About the Collection
This collection contains faculty research from the Reactor Campaign of the Nuclear Science and Technology Division, located within the UNLV Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies. The national development of technology to transmute nuclear waste depends upon the generation of high-energy neutrons produced by proton spallation. Proton accelerators, such as LANSCE at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, are capable of producing 800 MeV protons. By bombarding a lead /bismuth target, each proton may generate up to 25 neutrons that can activate fission of transuranic isotopes. Students at UNLV have been involved in radiation transport calculations in collaboration with researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and at the Argonne National Laboratory. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.
Submissions from 2008
Modeling and Design Algorithms for Electromagnetic Pumps, Daniel P. Cook, Yitung Chen, and Jian Ma
Knowledge-Based Information Resource Management System for Materials of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor, Sean Hsieh
Knowledge-based Information Resource Management System for Materials of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, Sean Hsieh
Thermal Transient Flow Rate Sensor for High Temperature Liquid Metal Cooled Nuclear Reactor, Yingtao Jiang and Jian Ma
Decoupling and Disturbance Rejection Control for Target Circulation, Jian Ma, Joon S. Lee, and Woosoon Yim
Implementation of Uncertainty Propagation in TRITON/KENO, Charlotta Sanders and Denis Beller
Monaco/MAVRIC Evaluation for Facility Shielding and Dose Rate Analysis, Charlotta Sanders and Denis Beller
Submissions from 2007
Modeling and Design Algorithms for Electromagnetic Pumps, Daniel P. Cook
Thermal Transient Flow Rate Sensor for High Temperature Liquid Metal Cooled Nuclear Reactor, Yingtao Jiang
Decoupling and Disturbance Rejection Control for Target Circulation, Jian Ma, Joon S. Lee, and Woosoon Yim
Implementation of Uncertainty Propagation in TRITON/KENO: To Support the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, Charlotta Sanders and Denis Beller
Monaco/MAVRIC Evaluation for Facility Shielding and Dose Rate Analysis: To Support the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, Charlotta Sanders and Denis Beller
Submissions from 2006
Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of Electromagnetic Pump in TC-1, Lillian J. Ratliff
Decoupling and Disturbance Rejection Control for Target Circulation Loop, Xiuju Tan
Submissions from 2005
Radiation Transport Modeling Using Parallel Computational Techniques, William Culbreth and Denis Beller
Submissions from 2004
Radiation Transport Modeling Using Parallel Computational Techniques, William Culbreth and Denis Beller
Submissions from 2003
Radiation Transport Modeling Using Parallel Computational Techniques, William Culbreth
Radiation Transport Modeling Using Parallel Computational Techniques, William Culbreth and Denis Beller
Monte Carlo Verification and Modeling of Lead-Bismuth Spallation Target, Daniel R. Lowe
Monte Carlo Verification and Modeling of Lead-Bismuth Spallation Targets, Daniel R. Lowe
Submissions from 2002
Project Continuation Proposal: Radiation Transport Modeling of Beam-Target Experiments for the AAA Project, William Culbreth
Radiation Transport Modeling of Beam-Target Experiments for the AAA Project: Quaterly Report, William Culbreth
Radiation Transport Modeling of Beam-Target Experiments for the AAA Project: Quaterly Report, June 01- August 31, 2002, William Culbreth
Radiation Transport Modeling of Beam-Target Experiments, William Culbreth and Denis Beller
Submissions from 2001
Radiation Transport Modeling of Beam-Target Experiments for the AAA Project, William Culbreth
Radiation Transport Modeling of Beam-Target Experiments for the AAA Project: Quaterly Report, William Culbreth