"Development of I-ANBL" by Joseph A. Pacheco, Charley Lewis et al.


American Indians; tribal college; tobacco; program development; smoking cessation; community-based participatory research


Public Health


Background: Compared to non-Hispanic white college students, American Indian (AI) tribal college students have the highest smoking prevalence in the U.S. (~34%). Culturally-tailored smoking cessation programs have proven to be successful in reducing smoking rates but may require new methods to reach college students. Currently, there is little documentation on the development and success of Internet-based smoking interventions for AI tribal college students.

Objectives: To develop an Internet-based smoking cessation program (Internet-All Nations Breath of Life or I-ANBL) with tribal college students.

Methods: We conducted six focus groups (n=41) at a tribal college. Focus groups included tribal college students who smoked and groups were stratified by sex. Transcripts were analyzed using insider and outsider perspectives. After analysis, an Internet-based smoking cessation program was developed, based on insight gained.

Results: Numerous suggestions for creating the program were offered. There was consensus on the need for a variety of visuals including cultural images, videos, and interactive content. The students also suggested the integration of familiar platforms such as FacebookTM.

Conclusion: When culturally tailoring a web-based smoking cessation program for tribal college students, it is important to incorporate cultural aspects and recognize gender differences. One important aspect is to recognize that for many AI, tobacco is a sacred plant and images of tobacco should be respectful. Now that this intervention has been developed, next we will test it for efficacy in a randomized controlled trial.

Keywords: American Indians, tribal college, tobacco, program development, smoking cessation, community-based participatory research

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