

Diabetes Self-Management; Hispanics; Faith-community


Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Public Health Education and Promotion


Objectives: This study aimed to assess the feasibility, facilitators, barriers, and impact of adopting the Self-Management Resource Center Diabetes Self-Management Program (SMRC DSMP) on diabetes-related outcomes.

Methods: The SMRC DSMP was implemented in five churches in San Antonio, Texas. A single group pre-post-test design was used to evaluate program effect on improving T2D outcomes. The primary outcome was glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) and secondary outcomes included Self-Efficacy for Diabetes, health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and patterns of eating and physical activity. Program feasibility, facilitators, and barriers were assessed through documentation and in-person interviews with participants.

Results: A total of 96 participants were in the program with 87 completed endpoint surveys (91%). HbA1c level was significantly reduced by 0.73%. HRQL score increased by 2.6 days per month; stretching/strengthening activity increased by 36 minutes per week; and Self-Efficacy for Diabetes score significantly increased. The program was viewed as necessary for the community due to familiar environment with church acquaintances and ease of access to the program. Key barriers were a lack of facilitators’ competency in the Spanish language, short program length, and no ongoing support group / reunions.

Conclusion: The DSMP program was feasible and effective when implemented in faith community settings for Hispanics.


We grant permission for the Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice to publish this paper
