Home > Health Sciences > JHDRP > Vol. 5 (2011-2012) > Iss. 1
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2012)
Asthma management: an ecosocial framework for disparity research
Robin A. Evans-Agnew
Self-stigma, Stress, and Smoking among African American and American Indian Female Smokers: An Exploratory Qualitative Study
Diana Burgess, Rachel Widome, Michelle van Ryn, Sean Phelan, and Steven Fu
Integrating Viral Hepatitis Screening and Prevention Services into an Urban Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Shelly Huffman, Rachel Brucker, John T. Redd, Maile Taualii, Cecile M. Town, Mei L. Castor, Crystal C. Tetrick, Ralph Forquera, and Joanna Buffington
Walking Increases Among African American Adults Following a Community-based Physical Activity Intervention: Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health, 2002–2005
I. W. Miles, J. Kruger, Y. Liao, S. A. Carlson, and J. E. Fulton
Participant Recruitment of African American College Students at an Historically Black College and University (HBCU): Challenges and Strategies for Health-Related Research
Cecile N. Yancu, Anna K. Lee, Daphne D. Witherspoon, and Correll D. McRae
A Su Salud En Acción: Replicating a Model to Increase Utilization of Cancer Screening among Low Income Latinas
Amelie G. Ramirez DrPH, Patricia Chalela, Lucina Suarez, and Kipling J. Gallion
Not Always Black and White: Racial Bias for Birth Disparities from Excluding Hispanic Identification
Barbara L. Wilson, Cristi Coursen, and Matthew Butler
Application of a RE-AIM framework to assess the impact of the Southwest American Indian Collaborative Network
Michelle Chino and Carolee Dodge Francis
Multistate Assessment of Public Health Surveillance Relevant to American Indians and Alaska Natives, 2007
Jeanne Bertolli, Ed Chao, Michael Landen, Eden Wells, John M. Hayes, Zeenat Mahal, and Ralph T. Bryan