Home > Health Sciences > JHDRP > Vol. 9 (2015) > Iss. 1
Volume 9, Issue 1 (2016) Spring
Development and Implementation of a Culturally Tailored, Community-Based Intervention to Raise Awareness of Brain Health Among African Americans
Mary Ann K. Hall, Ashani Johnson-Turbes, Felicia T. Fuller, Petra Niles, and Shileah Cantey-McDonald
Balancing Coordinated Care with Tribal Sovereignty: Lesson’s from Oregon’s Medicaid Reform
Lydia E. Riley, R. Turner Goins, and Stephanie Bernell
Dental Health Practices in US College Students: The American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment Findings
Lori Dewald EdD, ATC, MCHES, F-AAHE
The Construct and Predictive Validity of Psychosocial Correlates of Television Viewing
Raheem Paxton, Pascal Jean-Pierre, Saehwan Park, Yong Gao Dr., Stephen Herrmann, and G J. Norman
Sex Disparities in Access to Acute Stroke Care: Can Telemedicine Mitigate this Effect?
Catherine Wolff, Amelia K. Boehme, Karen Albright, Tzu-Ching Wu, Michael Mullen, Sean Savitz, Charles Branas, James Grotta, and Brendan Carr
Community-engagement to support cardiovascular disease prevention in disparities populations: three case studies
Deborah C. Glik, Mienah Zulfacar Sharif, Katherine L. Tucker, Shirley A. Tejada, Michael L. Prelip, Alice S. Ammerman, Thomas C. Keyserling, Shioban E. Torres, and Stephanie Jilcott Pitts
"Mi niño con asma": Hispanic/Latina Mothers, Environmental Justice, And Photovoice At The Front Lines Of The Asthma Epidemic
Robin A. Evans-Agnew RN, PhD; Julie Postma RN, PhD; and Lee Sledd M. Ed
Developing Capacity, Skills, and Tobacco Control Networks to address Tobacco-related Disparities: Leadership and Advocacy Institute to Advance Minnesota’s Parity for Priority Populations (LAAMPP)
Linda M. Bosma, Raffaele Vacca, Raymond G. Boyle, Jaime L. Martinez, and Rod Lew
Facilitators and Barriers to Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Among Rural African American Adults
Dina Byers, Katy Garth, Dana Manley, and Diane Chlebowy
An examination of early colorectal cancer screening guidelines for African Americans: Hints from the HINTS data
Torhonda C. Lee, Arlesia L. Mathis, and Matthew T. Dutton