Content Analysis of Biological Sex-Specific Media Coverage of Sport: The Case of National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletic Department Home Webpages

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International Review for the Sociology of Sport

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Studies have found that media coverage of women's sports is inadequate when compared with coverage of men's sports with regards to the amount of coverage as well as the type of coverage across men's and women’s sports. With few exceptions, past research has found inequitable coverage of female and male athletes in every media form studied, from print and television to the internet. Some exceptions to the findings include not-for-profit media, such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association News, and internet-based publications. The current study combined the two media types to determine if athletic departments that are affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletic Association offer more balanced coverage of female and male athletes on their official websites than has been found in past research. The results revealed that although the type of coverage the athletes received was similar, the amount was not. In articles and photographs on National Collegiate Athletic Association athletic department home webpages, females were underrepresented in comparison to their participation rates in collegiate athletics. These webpages from 30 not-for-profit, National Collegiate Athletic Association affiliated institutions, across six conferences, did not lead to the overall balance in coverage that was originally expected. implications for Title IX are discussed.


Sport; Media; National Collegiate Athletic Association; Internet; Women; Content analysis; Title IX; Equity; Biological sex; Gender


Sociology | Sports Studies



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