
Mission & Vision

JSFP Mission and Values Statement The Journal of Solution Focused Practices (JSFP) aims to provide high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts including theory, research, practice and other literature to enhance the understanding and practice of all solution-focused practitioners in order to better the lives of individuals, families, organizations, and societies. We aim to treat each other, our contributors and readers with respect and kindness: listening with openness and curiosity; actively expressing appreciation and using non-discriminatory language. We will be accessible and welcoming: maintaining open access to the journal; providing as much translation as possible and being available to contributors and readers. We will strive to be inclusive, particularly of diverse individuals and communities as well as diversity of opinions and interpretations of solution-focused practice. We will be pro-active in seeking out new and diverse voices, supportive and encouraging towards all contributors, and adopt a developmental approach to peer review. We commit to being honest with each other, our contributors and readers. We will make our processes as transparent and open as possible to ensure accountability. We will strive to maintain the highest standards of excellence, both academic and administrative. As a journal, we will welcome innovation and support unconventional ways to present knowledge, particularly where this enables knowledge from underrepresented communities to be heard. We will seek to work collaboratively and with humility, recognizing the need to be self-reflective, willing to be challenged and find ways to discuss difficult topics. We will actively support principles of social justice: giving voice to those who are marginalized; standing against discrimination and abuse and finding ways to support those with less power, influence, money, and academic status. Journal of Solution Focused Practices Aims & Scope page here.