"Solution-Focused Brief Therapy-Enhanced Fatherhood Curriculum" by Johnny Kim, In Young Park et al.


Many fatherhood programs provide curriculum-based peer groups, but the evidence for their effectiveness is limited and prior studies highlight challenges in recruiting and retaining participants. This pilot study aimed to test the effectiveness of a standard fatherhood curriculum enhanced with Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) using a quasi-experimental design. Study outcomes included father involvement and parenting skills measured immediately post-intervention. A sample of 92 fathers (M age = 35.2) participating in a fatherhood program were recruited to participate in the study. Due to COVID-19, the treatment groups were moved to an online format. Independent samples and paired samples t-test were used to detect group differences and Hedges’s effect sizes were also calculated to examine magnitude of treatment effects. Although the SFBT-enhanced peer group curriculum did not outperform the comparison curriculum, the online version of the SFBT-enhanced curriculum was found to be equivalent to the in-person curriculum. These novel findings suggest that online fatherhood groups may be similarly as effective as in-person groups, which may increase opportunities for access and participation in fatherhood programs.

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