About This Journal
The Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education published its final volume in 2014. All previously published articles continue to be available here as open access publications.
Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education
Purpose and Style
The Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education is a peer-reviewed journal published once/twice a year by the Center for Multicultural Education at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. The journal is committed to publishing manuscripts written by Pre-K-16 teachers and higher education researchers that embody the true definition of praxis. The journal demonstrates teacher learning through a dialectical union of reflection and action. A panel of multicultural educators and researchers from Pre-K-16 and higher education will review manuscripts. Manuscripts should focus on research studies highlighting evidence based, best practices in Pre-K-16 classrooms that demonstrate improved academic achievement of diverse learners based on formal and nontraditional modes of culturally responsive pedagogy.
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts must be submitted in English and follow the style guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association [APA], Sixth Edition (2009). In particular, manuscripts must be double-spaced, including quotations and references; references must be complete and placed at the end of the manuscript. If a manuscript substantially cites the work of another author, a signed agreement giving permission to reprint the material from that work’s copyright holder must be included. Only manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere, including online, will be considered for publication.
Manuscripts should be between 1,000 and 4,000 words, not including abstract and references.
One copy of the manuscript must be submitted electronically via PC or Mac (as attachments to e-mail in MS Word). The cover page of the copy should include: 1) a running head, 2) the author’s name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, business and home telephone numbers, e-mail address, and a 35 word biography for each author. The manuscript body should include: 1) running head and page numbers, 2) the manuscript, 3) tables and figures, and 4) the reference section. Authors should retain a copy of manuscripts submitted.
Submission of Manuscript
Submissions for both Fall and Spring issues of the journal should be sent to: CFME@unlv.nevada.edu and formally addressed to:
Center for Multicultural Education
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
College of Education
4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 453005
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-3005
For up-to-date information regarding issue themes, please go to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Center for Multicultural Education website at: www.unlv.edu/faculty/troutman/multicultural/index.html.
Manuscripts are triple-blind reviewed by members of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education whose expertise is relevant to the manuscript topic.
When a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) are notified immediately. Authors will be sent reviewer comments, suggestions for revision if any and an appropriate timeline for return of the final manuscript submission. When a manuscript is not accepted for publication, the author(s) are notified with a full explanation of reasons for rejection and suggestions for possible revision to help the manuscript become acceptable to journal reviewers. All communication to authors will be in the most positive and supportive manner possible to help foster collaboration and professional growth.