Effects of aerobic and resistance training of long duration on pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in rats [Efectos de entrenamientos aeróbico y de resistencia de larga duración acerca de citocinas pro y antiinflamatorias en ratas] [Efeitos do treinamento aeróbico e de resistência na longa duração sobre as citocinas pró e anti-inflamatórias de ratos]
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Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte
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Objective To determine possible changes in serum concentrations of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines of eutrophic rats subjected to aerobic or resistance physical training. Methods This study examined serum concentrations of TNF-α IFN-γ IL-6, IL-10 and IL-1-β in rats that performed aerobic or resistance training for 16 weeks. Thirty-five Wistar rats (male adult) were divided into three groups: Control Group (CG), Aerobic Group (AG) and Resistance Group (RG). Rats were sacrificed 48 h after the final training session. Serum concentrations of cytokines were analysed by ELISA. Results TNF-α levels were higher in the RG, followed by the AG and CG groups (p < 0.001). IFN-γ and IL-10 levels were not significantly different between groups (p = 0.097 and p = 0.17, respectively). The levels of IL6 and IL1-β were higher in AG compared to RG and CG (p = 0.0004 and p = 0.003, respectively). In general, our results indicate a higher pro-inflammatory profile in AG and probably RG animals. Conclusion Further studies are required in order to better clarify the effects of aerobic and resistance exercise training on pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Additionally, future studies should address the metabolic and molecular pathways involved in these responses. © 2016 Consejería de Turismo y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía
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Silva, C. M.,
Vieira Junior, R. C.,
Trombeta, J. C.,
Lima, T. R.,
Fraga, G. A.,
Sena, M. S.,
Avila, E. T.,
Tibana, R. A.,
Prestes, J.,
Navalta, J. W.,
Voltarelli, F. A.
Effects of aerobic and resistance training of long duration on pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in rats [Efectos de entrenamientos aeróbico y de resistencia de larga duración acerca de citocinas pro y antiinflamatorias en ratas] [Efeitos do treinamento aeróbico e de resistência na longa duração sobre as citocinas pró e anti-inflamatórias de ratos].
Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte, 10(4),