"Electronic resources on disabilities: A wealth of information on topic" by Katherine Rankin and Jennifer Church

Electronic resources on disabilities: A wealth of information on topics from jobs to recreation

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College & Research Libraries News





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Individuals with disabilities represent the largest minority group in the United States. Members of this diverse population seek information that can help them lead happier, more productive lives. Fortunately, the rapid development of electronic resources has enabled new levels of ease and access to this information. Libraries can enhance this opportunity by developing comprehensive guides for locating relevant resources.

Web sites, electronic journals, and electronic discussion lists offer a broad range of topical coverage related to the concerns of those with disabilities. These include information on areas such as assistive technology; education; organizations and associations; designing or renovating buildings for accessibility; the text of the Americans with Disabilities Act; finding and adapting to jobs; recreational opportunities; guides with information on accessible hotels, motels, restaurants, and sights; and information on being a parent of a child with a disability.

In addition to supplying information directly to people with disabilities, there are also electronic resources that furnish information for professionals who work with the disabled. There are even numerous sites that focus on design tips for making the Web friendlier for people with disabilities.

This selected list of electronic resources identifies information sources on disabilities in general, assistive technology, associations and organizations, government resources, and sites centered on specific disabilities, as well as Web page accessibility.


Bibliography; Libraries and people with disabilities; Library resources – Directories; Library users; People with disabilities; Reference services (Libraries)


Communication Technology and New Media | Inequality and Stratification | Information Literacy | Library and Information Science | Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Social Policy




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Publisher Citation

Church, J., Drouin, K., & Rankin, K. L. (2000). Electronic resources on disabilities: A wealth of information on topics from jobs to recreation. College & Research Libraries News, 61, 115-120. Retrieved from http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/publications/crlnews/2000/feb/electronicresources.cfm

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