"Toward a Nevada digital collaborative" by Jason Vaughan

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2011

Publication Title

Journal of Western Archives

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In mid-2008, through Library Services and Technology Act funding, the Nevada State Library and Archives brought together members for a newly established Nevada Statewide Digital Advisory Committee (hereafter referred to as “NSDAC”) to engage in a comprehensive, statewide digital planning process. As stated in the charge, “Advisory committee members participate in the identification of issues regarding digitization in Nevada, collaborate in the planning and development of a statewide digital initiative . . . and contribute to effective communication among the key digital stakeholders in Nevada.” The full charge is provided in Appendix A. By design, the committee included members from a diverse stakeholder pool representative of various cultural heritage institutions within the state. During the first two years of its existence, committee membership evolved, but ultimately included academic librarians, public librarians, museum managers, archivists, and representation from the Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board and the State Council on Libraries and Literacy. The first two years of work were also graced by outside knowledgeable consultants, Liz Bishoff of BCR and Tom Clareson of Lyrasis. This paper discusses the early work, challenges, and successes of this group over the first couple years.


Digital libraries; Nevada


Communication Technology and New Media | Library and Information Science



Publisher Citation

Vaughan, Jason. “Toward a Nevada digital collaborative.” Journal of Western Archives, 26p.

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