Lied Library at four years: Technology never stands still

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Library Hi-Tech





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Purpose – To relate challenges associated with maintaining the technology involved in a modern, major academic research library.

Design/methodology/approach – Experiences from the past four years are categorized and discussed as they relate to information technology maintenance, enhancement, and future development. The narrative includes specific detailed examples, while maintaining a wide overall view, given the vast scope of what constitutes “information technology”.

Findings – Looking back at knowledge gained from four years of operating a new academic library, one can understand that technology is constantly evolving, creating numerous challenges. Such challenges include maintaining and enhancing existing systems and services, as well as introducing new systems and services. Associated with all such activities are a myriad challenges such as technology, funding, security, and overall resource management.

Practical implications – The findings serve to remind practitioners and administrators of the varied, complex, and expensive nature of maintaining a comprehensive information technology environment. Several concrete examples offer ideas that may aid with topics such as facility design planning and major project management.

Originality/value – This paper serves as a current case study useful for institutions considering a major library expansion or planning construction of a new major library, and also serves as a useful executive summary (with supporting specific examples) detailing the complex tasks associated with maintaining and enhancing information technology resources.


Academic libraries—Effect of technological innovations on; Lied Library; University of Nevada; Las Vegas


Communication Technology and New Media | Library and Information Science | Scholarly Publishing




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Publisher Citation

Vaughan, Jason. 2005. “Lied Library @ Four Years: Technology Never Stands Still.” Library Hi-Tech, Vol 23:1; 34-49.

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