For better or worse: Using wikis and blogs for staff communication in an academic library

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Journal of Web Librarianship





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This case study from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, University Libraries, which has one main library, three branches, and more than 110 staff, illustrates one approach to using new technologies as additional methods for internal communication. At large academic libraries, communication within the organization can be challenging. The potential that Web 2.0 tools have to increase opportunities for communication and collaboration is one reason internal staff wiki and blogs were implemented at the University Libraries. The staff wiki is predominantly used to archive committee meeting minutes, policies and procedures, and departmental information, while blogs are used mainly for news items and departmental updates. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, library staff were surveyed to assess the changes in communication after the implementation of blogs and an internal wiki. The authors theorized that Web 2.0 technologies would reduce barriers and improve communication. Results indicated an overall improvement in internal staff communication after the implementation of the staff wiki; however, no change was noted with blogs. Findings also showed several challenges for the future, including the need for additional training with the tools and a desire for more regular postings to the blogs. A major test for the future is ensuring that these new Web 2.0 technologies become more integrated into staff workflows so the technologies will be more readily adopted by library staff as additional communication channels.


Academic libraries – Effect of technological innovations on; Blogs; Communication in organizations; Innovation; Web 2.0; Wikis (Computer science) – Library applications


Communication | Library and Information Science | Organizational Communication




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Publisher Citation

Costello, K., & Del Bosque, D. (2010). For better or worse: Using wikis and blogs for staff communication in an academic library. Journal of Web Librarianship, 4, 143-160. doi:10.1080/19322909.2010.502877

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