"Explorations of a Very-large- Screen Digital Library Interface" by Alex Dolski, Cory K. Lampert et al.

Explorations of a Very-large- Screen Digital Library Interface

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D-lib Magazine






While digital libraries accommodate remote access via the web and mobile devices, their physical presence tends to be minuscule. A locally-developed prototype digital library application called DLib Wall, connected to MultiTaction display hardware from MultiTouch Ltd., is an attempt to create a rich and engaging onsite presence for the digital collections of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries. DLib Wall is one of the first applications of its kind, and demonstrates several relatively unexplored interaction modalities. In late 2014, it was deployed in the Goldfield Room — a conference room in the Lied Library — on a wall-mounted array of six 42-inch touch displays. DLib Wall represents both application development and the work of a collaborative team charged with creating a large, interactive, and content-rich media wall experience on a limited resource budget. The group's work included: evaluating and recommending technologies, managing the custom development for the DLib Wall application, and creating an initial content plan for the public rollout. This article highlights the technical aspects of the application while sharing key decision points that the team encountered in the process of bringing the project from conception to completion.


DLib wall, Digital library applications, Visual collections display, Digital exhibits, Digital collection, Touchscreen technology



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