Document Type
Technical Report
Publication Date
Online Audiovisual Catalogers Inc. (OLAC), Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC)
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Best Practices for Cataloging DVD-video and Blu-ray Discs Using RDA and MARC21 builds upon the work of the 2008 Guide to Cataloging DVD and Blu-ray Discs Using AACR2r and MARC21, which in turn updated the 2002 Guide to Cataloging DVDs Using AACR2r Chapters 7 and 9 created by the DVD Cataloging Task Force of OLAC.
The focus of this new document is to provide a set of “best practice” recommendations rather than a step-by-step instruction manual for cataloging DVD-video and Blu-ray Discs. One reason for this shift is that RDA cataloging practice is far from settled, particularly in regard to special format materials. Best practice recommendations will likely be easier to manage as RDA instructions evolve.
This document is intended for use with Resource Description and Access (RDA) and the MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data. It should not be considered a substitute for the RDA Toolkit. The best practice recommendations and cataloging examples presented in the document are intended only to clarify RDA principles and instructions used in cataloging DVD-video and Blu- ray Disc formats.
The opening section provides a general overview of DVD and Blu-ray technology, disc characteristics, plus a comparison with compact disc (CD) technology. A brief introduction to RDA follows, to provide a basic frame of reference for the document. Since most libraries are still encoding data in MARC21, the main part of the document is generally arranged by RDA element in the order they are encountered in a MARC21 record. Each section includes examples that reflect the principles outlined in the document. Examples use ISBD as the presentation format. A table outlining recommended description and encoding of DVD-Video and Blu-ray Disc attributes is given in the appendix. A list of resources and a selection of full MARC21 record examples illustrating common situations encountered in DVD-Video and Blu-ray Disc cataloging completes the document.
Controlled Subject
Blu-ray discs; Cataloging of audio-visual materials; DVD-Video discs
Cataloging and Metadata
File Format
File Size
2168 KB
IN COPYRIGHT. For more information about this rights statement, please visit
Repository Citation
Anderson, W.,
Chittenden, L.,
Ford Zarganj, C.,
Huismann, M.,
King, D.,
Lavalie, J.,
Lisius, P.,
Lorimer, N.,
Moore, J. R.,
Murphy, L.,
Neuerburg, L.,
Panigabutra-Roberts, A.,
Piepenburg, S.,
Robson, D.,
Walker, W.,
Wolley, I.
Best Practices for Cataloging DVD-Video and Blu-ray Discs Using RDA and MARC21 Version 1.1.
Online Audiovisual Catalogers Inc. (OLAC), Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC).
An earlier version of this manual was published March 24, 2015 and can be found here: Best Practices for Cataloging DVD-Video and Blu-ray Discs Using RDA and MARC21 Version 1.0