We're Down With IED, Yeah You Know Me....Or Do You?

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

11th Annual Conference of African American Librarians


Inclusion, equity, and diversity are THE buzzwords of the moment within librarianship, however, there seems to be a disconnect between acknowledgment and discussion of these topics and implementation of practices that reflect a demonstrable commitment to them. If the desire is to be truly impactful, what can be done to weave these concepts into an institution's fabric? If you had to give your institution a progress report reflecting implementation, what grade would it get? What happens when an institution expresses its commitment to IED, EDI, DEI, or any other combo in between?Will this commitment result in a harmonious organizational utopia or will efforts implode before it even has a chance to get off the ground? Join me for an overview of the results of a random sampling in which librarians were polled about their perception of these topics versus their actual institutional lived experiences.


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